Types of Insurance. LICENSOR shall procure and maintain insurance in connection --- with the services performed and products provided hereunder as set forth in EXHIBIT H: BULL will be named as an additional insured in the policy described above, and such policy will require that BULL be given...
A waiver of subrogation is a contractual provision whereby an insured waives the right of their insurance carrier to seek redress or seek compensation for losses from a negligent third party. Typically,insurerscharge an additional fee for a waiver of subrogation endorsement. Many construction contracts...
Digital Mars C++ provides an additional pointer type to allow the programmer to produce pointers to objects contained on the stack. Stack (__ss) pointers are offsets into the stack segment. In the Tiny, Small, Compact, Medium, and Large memory models this is a 16-bit offset, while in th...
In addition to screwing multiple gang boxes together to construct a large "new work" electrical installation, gang boxes can be extended behind the wall to obtain a small amount of additional wiring space: illustrated below. At above left is a single "gang box" steel electrical box. Below I...
In northern and eastern parts of the U.S., most alfalfa is sown with a companion crop (nurse crop) in spring seedings (not in summer or fall seedings). Besides providing an additional crop, companion crops protect the soil from erosion ...
Your insurance provider must give Amazon at least 30 days’ notice of cancellation, modification or nonrenewal; The policy must name ” Amazon.com Services LLC., and its affiliates and assignees” as additional insureds; The deductible for any policy(ies) must not be greater than $10,000 and...
Unlike HVSD, the 2DVD has two perpendicular line CCDs that are apart by about 0.6 cm and provides the two digital images from which size, shape, and axis-ratio are derived in two dimensions. The two images are matched to derive the fall velocity of individual particles and to correct ...