Leers MPG, Stockem C, Ackermans D, Loeffen R, Ten Cate H, Kragten JA, et al. Intermediate and non- classical monocytes show heterogeneity in patients with different types of acute coronary syndrome. Cytometry A. 2017; 91: 1059-1067. https://doi.org/10.1002/cyto.a.23263 PMID: 29024334...
Poster Area, South Hall A1 Sunday, April 03, 2016, 9:45 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Session Title: FIT Clinical Decision Making: Acute Coronary Syndrome, Stable Ischemic Heart Disease, Interventional Cardiology, Vascular Medicine Abstract Category: Acute Coronary Syndromes Presentation Number: 1185-291 ...
acute coronary syndrome(ACS) group and stable angina pectoris(SAP) group by clinical standards,then plaque composition,remodeling index(RI) and eccentric index(EI) of the two groups were compared.Results For the 105 vessels in 35 cases,59 branches with 200 lesion segments,differences of the ...
Purpose In this study, we observe the distribution of gelsolin in human platelet and plasma and its association with different types of coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods One hundred and fourteen cases were included, with 33 stable angina pectoris (SAP) cases, 81 acute coronary syndrome (ACS...
AACN Acute Care Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner (ACNPC-AG) Study Guide and Exam Prep 27 chapters | 276 lessons Ch 1. Acute Coronary Syndromes & Inflammatory... Ch 2. Cardiac Surgery Procedures Ch 3. Cardiac Events Ch 4. Types of Cardiomyopathy Ch 5. Peripheral Vascular... Ch 6....
CAD (also called coronary heart disease and ischemic heart disease) is the most common condition of the coronary arteries. It's caused by atherosclerosis, which is when you have plaque that builds up on the walls of your arteries. This narrows them so blood doesn't flow as fast or as wel...
Purpose: To investigate the prognostic impacts of a combined clopidogrel-metabolizing genotypes CYP 2C19 (+ or -)*2/(+ or -)*17 on patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Population and methods: Prospective, longitudinal study of 95 patients admitted for ACS to a single coronary care ...
2) syndrome grouping of TCM 中医证候分型 3) syndromes 证候 1. Progress in"Omics"Study of Syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine; 中医证候的组学研究进展 2. Changes of WBC platelet agglomeration in stroke in acute seizure phase and correlation between these changes and TCMsyndromes; ...
•Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome-At the cellular level neutrophils cause pulmonary capillary leakiness leading to pulmonary edema and interference with blood oxygenation. More on this condition later in the course. DIC (complicat...
Briefly, the indications contain three disease categories: neurological disorders, including stroke and spinal cord injury; orthopedic diseases, including hip fracture, pelvic fracture, and vertebral fracture; and disuse syndrome after surgery or pneumonia. In practice, patients are rarely transferred to ...