As I have said elsewhere, there is a life-begetting reason why our designed food in Genesis 1 is from trees that bear fruit with seed in it. As far as we are concerned, the seed-cycle reflects His Life-sustaining Way having place in us. It is both the grace-dynamic of God and the...
If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended, that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear. This narrative device of speaking directly to the audience or the reader is called breaking the fourth wall (the other three walls being the setting of the story...
East and west are traditionally synonymous with the directions of sunrise and sunset; north and south are determined by the directions of shadows cast by the noonday Sun. By night the stars rise in the east and set in the west, and in the Northern Hemisphere their apparent rotation around ...
hell, in many religious traditions, theabode, usually beneath the earth, of the unredeemeddeador the spirits of the damned. In itsarchaicsense, the termhellrefers to theunderworld, a deep pit or distant land of shadows where the dead are gathered. From the underworld come dreams, ghosts, a...
SOE Shadows of the Empire SOF Quartus II SRAM Object File (Altera Corporation) SOF ReSOF Archive (Spectrum Software) SOFTDISK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) SOFTWARE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) SOI MENSI 3D Laser Enhanc...
East and west are traditionally synonymous with the directions of sunrise and sunset; north and south are determined by the directions of shadows cast by the noonday Sun. By night the stars rise in the east and set in the west, and in the Northern Hemisphere their apparent rotation around ...