npx typeorm init --name MyProject --database postgres Wherenameis the name of your project anddatabaseis the database you'll use. Database can be one of the following values:mysql,mariadb,postgres,cockroachdb,sqlite,mssql,sap,spanner,oracle,mongodb,cordova,react-native,expo,nativescript. This...
TypeORM 提供了许多内置运算符,可用于创建更复杂的查询: Not、LessThan、LessThanOrEqual、MoreThan、MoreThanOrEqual、Equal、Like、ILike、Between、In、Any、IsNull、Raw,以上的操作符都可以与Not搭配使用 示例 cosnt users = await this.userModel.find({where: { sex: Not(Equal(1)) }});复制代码 实体进阶...
你还可以将这些运算符与Not运算符组合使用: import{Not,MoreThan,Equal}from"typeorm"; constloadedPosts=awaitconnection.getRepository(Post).find({ likes:Not(MoreThan(10)), title:Not(Equal("About #2")) }); 将执行以下查询: SELECT*FROM"post"WHERENOT("likes">10)ANDNOT("title"='About #2') ...
typeorm init --name MyProject --database mysql Wherenameis the name of your project anddatabaseis the database you'll use. Database can be one of the following values:mysql,mariadb,postgres,cockroachdb,sqlite,mssql,oracle,mongodb,cordova,react-native,expo,nativescript. This command will gener...
The only purpose of theBaseRepositoryclass is to make sure themanagerproperty of the repository will always be the right one. In cases where inheritance is not possible, you can alwaysPatch the Repository/TreeRepositoryto enable the same functionality as theBaseRepository ...
import { And, Not, Equal, ILike } from "typeorm" const loadedPosts = await dataSource.getRepository(Post).findBy({ title: And(Not(Equal("About #2")), ILike("%About%")), })will execute following query:SELECT * FROM "post" WHERE NOT("title" = 'About #2') AND "title" ILIKE '...
getRepository(Post).find({ likes: LessThanOrEqual(10) }); 将执行以下查询: SELECT * FROM "post" WHERE "likes" <= 10 MoreThan import { MoreThan } from "typeorm"; const loadedPosts = await connection.getRepository(Post).find({ likes: MoreThan(10) }); 将执行以下查询:...
import { Not, MoreThan, Equal } from "typeorm" const loadedPosts = await dataSource.getRepository(Post).findBy({ likes: Not(MoreThan(10)), title: Not(Equal("About #2")), })will execute following query:SELECT * FROM "post" WHERE NOT("likes" > 10) AND NOT("title" = 'About #2...
!= :id', {id}))来过滤它们,您可以编写类似find({where: {id: Not(id)}})的代码,其中Not...
where选项允许我们指定一个条件对象,以过滤查询结果。条件对象可以包含多个属性和对应的值,typeorm将根据这些条件来生成相应的SQL查询语句。 下面是一个使用where选项测试typeorm repo.find()函数的示例: 代码语言:txt 复制 import { getRepository } from 'typeorm'; import { User } from '../entities/User'; as...