1、使用 Query Builder 更新 你可以使用QueryBuilder创建UPDATE查询。 例如: import{getConnection}from"typeorm";awaitgetConnection().createQueryBuilder().update(User).set({firstName:"Timber",lastName:"Saw"}).where("id = :id",{id:1}).execute();2、lodash登场 _.omit(object, [props]) 反向版...
复制 asyncbuilder(){constresult1=awaitthis.usersRepository.createQueryBuilder().select('User.firstName').where('User.isActive = true').getMany();constresult2=awaitthis.usersRepository.createQueryBuilder('u').select('u.firstName').where('u.isActive = true').getMany();console.log(result1,r...
async update(id: string, updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto): Promise<User> { const user = await this.findOne(id); Object.assign(user, updateUserDto); return await this.usersRepository.save(user); } async remove(id: string): Promise<void> { const user = await this.findOne(id); await this....
Create an entity Entityis your model decorated by an@Entitydecorator. A database table will be created for such models. You work with entities everywhere in TypeORM. You can load/insert/update/remove and perform other operations with them. Let's make ourPhotomodel an entity: import{Entity}fro...
const result = this.taskRepository.createQueryBuilder() .update({ state, dueDate, }) .where({ id: task.id, }) .returning('*') .execute() return result.raw[0] 重要提示:只有 MSSQL、PostgreSQL 和 MariaDB 支持像这样使用查询构建器。 原文由 sandrooco 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协...
import { CreateDateColumn, UpdateDateColumn, VersionColumn, DeleteDateColumn } from 'typeorm'; export class BaseEntity { @CreateDateColumn() createdAt: Date; @UpdateDateColumn() updatedAt: Date; @VersionColumn() version: number; @DeleteDateColumn() deletedAt: Date; } ...
let result = await userRepository.save(users); console.log(result); save 方法适用于需要处理实体监听器和订阅者的场景2。 处理插入冲突 在并发情况下,插入数据可能会出现主键冲突。可以使用ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE 语句来处理这种情况: await connection.createQueryBuilder() ...
update cli migration up and down from any to void (#5630) (76e165d) UpdateResult returns affected rows in mysql (#5628) (17f2fff), closes #1308Performance ImprovementsAn optimized version of EntityMetadata#compareIds() for the common case (#5419) (a9bdb37)0.2...
cache - Enables or disables query result caching. See caching for more information and options.userRepository.find({ cache: true, })lock - Enables locking mechanism for query. Can be used only in findOne and findOneBy methods. lock is an object which can be defined as:...
You can load/insert/update/remove and perform other operations with them.Let's make our Photo model an entity:import { Entity } from "typeorm" @Entity() export class Photo { id: number name: string description: string filename: string views: number isPublished: boolean }...