.createQueryBuilder() .update(GoodsEntity) .set({ count: () => `count - ${num}`, version: () => `version+1` }) .where('id=:id', { id: 1, version: goodsInfo.version }) .execute(); if (affectedRows) { break; } } } return '下单成功'; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7....
问使用存储库模式的TypeOrm update查询,如何使用where子句选择更新表并仅更新一个字段EN哎,考虑到自增id...
1、使用 Query Builder 更新 你可以使用QueryBuilder创建UPDATE查询。 例如: import{getConnection}from"typeorm";awaitgetConnection().createQueryBuilder().update(User).set({firstName:"Timber",lastName:"Saw"}).where("id = :id",{id:1}).execute();2、lodash登场 _.omit(object, [props]) 反向版...
import { getRepository } from "typeorm"; // 获取User实体的存储库 const userRepository = getRepository(User); // 使用查询运行器局部更新给定的实体 await userRepository .createQueryBuilder() .update(User) .set({ age: 30, email: "newemail@example.com" }) .where("id = :id", ...
你可以使用 TypeORM 处理各处的实体,可以使用它们 load/insert/update/remove 并执行其他操作。 让我们将Photo模型作为一个实体 import { Entity } from "typeorm";@Entity()export class Photo { id: number; name: string; description: string; filename: string; views: number; isPublished: boolean;} ...
update(Post) .set({ ...input }) .where('id = :id and "creatorId" = :creatorId', { id, creatorId: userId, }) .returning("*") .execute() .then((response) => { return response.raw[0]; }); return { post }; } 辅助函数 (如果你不想一直写 response.raw[0])...
First of all, you are expecting it will create database tables for you and find / insert / update / delete your data without the pain of having to write lots of hardly maintainable SQL queries. This guide will show you how to set up TypeORM from scratch and make it do what you are ...
你可以使用QueryBuilder创建UPDATE查询。 例如: import{getConnection}from"typeorm"; awaitgetConnection() .createQueryBuilder() .update(User) .set({firstName:"Timber",lastName:"Saw"}) .where("id = :id",{id:1}) .execute(); 就性能而言,这是更新数据库中的实体的最有效方法。
update - 通过给定的更新选项或实体 ID 部分更新实体。 awaitrepository.update({ firstName:"Timber"}, { firstName:"Rizzrak"});// 执行 UPDATE user SET firstName = Rizzrak WHERE firstName = Timberawaitrepository.update(1, { firstName:"Rizzrak"});// 执行 UPDATE user SET firstName = Rizzrak...
@Provide()export class UserService {@InjectEntityModel(User)userModel: Repository<User>;async updateUser(id: number, username: string): Promise<User> {cosnt user = await this.userModel.findOne({where: { id }});user.username = username;const res = await this.userModel.update(user);return re...