typedef int uintptr_t; /* C99 greatest-width integer types */ typedef int intmax_t; typedef int uintmax_t; /* C99 stdbool.h bool type. _Bool is built-in in C99 */ typedef _Bool bool; /* Mir typedefs */ typedef void* MirEGLNativeWindowType; typedef void* MirEGLNativeDisplayType...
size, though the results are implementation-defined and may indeed cause undefined behavior; while earlier C standards did not have an integral type that was guaranteed to be large enough, C99 specifies the uintptr_t typedef name defined in <stdint.h>, but an implementation need not provide ...
@@ -435,20 +435,20 @@ static efi_status_t do_bootefi_exec(void *efi, secure_ram_addr(_do_nonsec_entry)( efi_run_in_hyp, (uintptr_t)entry, (uintptr_t)image_handle, (uintptr_t)&image_obj->parent, (uintptr_t)&systab); /* Should never reach here, efi exits with longjmp ...
refers to fiber or coroutine.typedefint8_tTZINT8;typedefuint8_tTZUINT8;typedefint16_tTZINT16;typedefuint16_tTZUINT16;// long is not recommended when crossing platforms
#define CAST_INT_TO_UCHAR_PTR(ptr) ((uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)(ptr)) // Home-made index sequence trick, so it can be used everywhere without the costly include of std::tuple. // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15014096/c-index-of-type-during-variadic-template-expansion template ...
2019-12-19 20:53 − struct和byte类型转换 import ( "fmt" "unsafe" ) type TestStructTobytes struct { data int64 } type SliceMock struct { addr uintptr len int cap int } ... 离地最远的星 0 2063 GO json 如何转化为 map 和 struct 2019-12-13 16:54 − 简单谈一些 JSON 数...
uintptr_t 类型是一个无符号整数类型,足以容纳任何指向对象的指针。这些类型在理论上是可选的 - 但很少有它们不可用。有一些变体,如 uint_least16_t(最小的无符号整数类型,至少 16 位)和 int_fast32_t(最快的有符号整数类型,至少 32 位)。此外,intmax_t 和uintmax_t 是实现支持的最大整数类型。这些...
(___int64_t_defined) typedef __int64_t __int_least64_t; typedef __uint64_t __uint_least64_t; #define ___int_least64_t_defined 1 #endif #ifdef __INTPTR_TYPE__ typedef __INTPTR_TYPE__ __intptr_t; typedef __UINTPTR_TYPE__ __uintptr_t; #elif defined(__PTRDIFF_TYPE__)...