51CTO博客已为您找到关于typedef std::shared_ptr的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及typedef std::shared_ptr问答内容。更多typedef std::shared_ptr相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
typedef std::shared_ptr<FinalLightStatus> FinalLightStatusPtr; 1. 这两个语句分别使用了using和typedef来创建类型别名。 using FinalLightStatusPtr = std::shared_ptr<FinalLightStatus>; 1. 这个语句使用了C++11引入的using关键字来创建类型别名,本质上是为std::shared_ptr<FinalLightStatus>这个类型取了一个...
/opt/ros/kinetic/include/moveit/macros/declare_ptr.h:53:16: error: ‘shared_ptr’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a template type typedef std::shared_ptr<const Type> Name##ConstPtr; 用G++编译项目的时候发生标题上的错误,原因是,这是c++ 11标准的。在给g++传递命令行的时候加上-std=c++0...
typedef std::shared_ptr<Paintable> PaintablePointer; typedef std::weak_ptr<Paintable> WeakPaintablePointer; using PaintablePointer = std::shared_ptr<Paintable>; using WeakPaintablePointer = std::weak_ptr<Paintable>; class WPixmapStore { public: static PaintablePointer getPaintable( 0 comments on co...
C++11 provides the ability to create reference-counted pointers that can hold any pointer type without having to resort to usingvoid*. This provides a powerful and generic facility that can be customized by clients to create type-safe shared pointers to any object, such asstd::shared_ptr<MyCu...
Read(AudioFrame &frames, int n=1) 参数说明 结构体AudioFrame定义如下,参数如表1所示。typedefstruct AudioFrame_s{ std::shared_ptr<void> data; unsigned int size; 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → disconnectCallback disconnectCallback 回调方法描述 断开连接接口Block回调 回调方法定义typedefvoid (^callback)(...
It would also be possible to eliminate std:: in many instances (due to newly introduced using std::xyz: std::make_shared (1 remaining instance) ... Standardize code cont'd cantera#1568 std::set (11 instances) ... Standardize code cantera#1565 std::shared_ptr (20 instances) ... Stand...
#include <memory> //shared_ptr #include <vector> using namespace std; template<class T, int n> class Father { private: T ar[n]; public: Father() {}; explicit Father(const T &v); virtual T &operator[](int i); //virtual T operator[](int i) const; ...
然后intptr[3] a,就是(int*)[3] a,就是int [3]* a,等价于int a[3]*.但是这会带来新的...
stdx::impl::iter_reference< T, false >, stdx::impl::iter_reference< T, true >, stdx::ranges::enumerate_view< V >::iterator< Const >, Table_columns_view< ExclusionFilter >::iterator, temptable::Allocator< T, AllocationScheme >, ut::allocator< T, Allocator_base >, VisibleFieldsAdapt...