NSPredicate基本语句 只要我们使用谓词(NSPredicate)都需要为谓词定义谓词表达式,而这个表达式必须是一个返...
目录 宏定义(#define) 概念 无参宏定义 举个例子 #define 用法的几点说明 带参数的宏定义 带参宏定义的说明 枚举类型(enum 关键字) 概念 过度 类型创建 类型定义,初始化 赋值 作为函数即返回值 typedef 存在的意义 用法 typedef 和 #define 的区别 宏定义(#define) 概念 #define 叫做宏定义命令,它也是 C ...
typedef enums allow a convenient way to describe a set of name-value pairs. Is there a way to chain them to create deeper structures using enum at all levels? For instance, I have the following: typedef enum logic {ALPHA=0, BETA=1} a_t; typedef enum logic {GAMMA=0, DELTA=1} b_...
typedef enum { ERR_OVERFLOW= 10, ERR_UNDERFLOW = 1123} PCKT_TYPE; const integer buffer_size = 100; const integer header_size; // initialization function new(); command = 4'd0; address = 41'b0; master_id = 5'bx; header_size = 10; endfunction // methods // public access entry po...
("scan_if_state" is the case statement in my SM) got the bellow message : Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at svp_scan_if.sv(79) near text: "logic"; expecting ";". Check for and fix any syntax errors that appear immediately before or at the specifie...
moduletb;typedefshortintunsignedu_shorti;typedefenum{RED, YELLOW, GREEN} e_light;typedefbit[7:0] ubyte;initialbeginu_shorti data =32'hface_cafe; e_light light = GREEN; ubyte cnt =8'hFF;$display("light=%s data=0x%0h cnt=%0d", light.name(), data, cnt);endendmodule ...
enum {NO, YES} myvar1,myvar2; 下面是一个简单的例子: module tdef; typedef integer unsigned u_integer; typedef enum {RED, GREEN, BLUE} rgb; typedef bit [7:0] ubyte; u_integer uI = 32'h face_cafe; u_integer uI1 = 32'h cafe_face; ...
DEBUG_1andDEBUG_2are output ports in the top level module, and I want to probe these signals at the top logic. The above is not working in SystemVerilog and gives errors. How else can this be done? package states; typedef enum logic [2:0] {RE = 3'b000, ...
moduletb;typedefshortintunsignedu_shorti;typedefenum{RED,YELLOW,GREEN}e_light;typedefbit[7:0]ubyte;initialbeginu_shorti data=32'hface_cafe;e_light light=GREEN;ubyte cnt=8'hFF;$display("light=%s data=0x%0h cnt=%0d",light.name(),data,cnt);endendmodule ...
The name of the parser: verilog.c The command line you used to run ctags: $ ctags --options=NONE foo.sv The content of input file: foo.sv typedef bit[31:0] int32_t; module mod( input bit clk, input int32_t a ); endmodule The tags output ...