#define B_PTR(var) ((byte *) (void *) &(var)) #define W_PTR(var) ((word *) (void *) &(var)) : 得到一个字的高位和低位字节 #define WORD_LO(xxx) ((byte) ((word)(xxx) & 255)) #define WORD_HI(xxx) ((byte) ((word)(xxx) >> 8)) : 返回一个比X大的最接近的8的倍数...
比如:typedef char* byte_pointer 其次是括号的位置,如果func_t用来表示一个转为返回void类型的函数指针,那不是应该将*放在void后面吗? 请指教。 来自奇牛学院吧 叶博帅 叶博帅04-20 12 高手请进,typedef和union的混合使用 这个定义和使用应该是有语法错误吧, C++ 环境下 typedef union { uint32_t stamp; ...
int whole; /* one 32-bit value*/ struct {char c0,c1,c2,c3;} byte; /* four 8-bit bytes*/ } value; 你即可以用value.whole取整个32bit int, 也可以用value.byte.c0取前8bit char Enum Enum的作用就是把一串名字和一串整型联系在一起, 可以说在c中Enum完全可以被#define取代, 比较鸡肋的 enum...
int whole; /* one 32-bit value*/ struct {char c0,c1,c2,c3;} byte; /* four 8-bit bytes*/ } value; 你即可以用value.whole取整个32bit int, 也可以用value.byte.c0取前8bit char Enum Enum的作用就是把一串名字和一串整型联系在一起, 可以说在c中Enum完全可以被#define取代, 比较鸡肋的 enum...
It isn't necessarily large enough to represent an arbitrary byte position within a stream. The value streamoff(-1) generally indicates an erroneous offset.streamposHolds the current position of the buffer pointer or file pointer.C++ Másolás typedef fpos<mbstate_t> streampos; ...
Define a new data type - The easiest way:typedef <old name> <new name>; typedef uint8_t BYTE; typedef char* string; Data structure: - a data type that has some structure to it so store both at once - example: create a new data type - "person" with a name and his/her phone ...
}elseif(CheckFields(nested,"System.Byte[]", nested)) {// 3.0varnestedDecrypter = DotNetUtils.GetMethod(nested,"System.String","(System.String,System.Int32)");if(nestedDecrypter ==null|| nestedDecrypter.IsStatic)returnnull;vardecrypter = DotNetUtils.GetMethod(type,"System.String","(System.Str...
byteplc )throwsIgniteCheckedException{ assertF.find(nodes,null,F.localNode(locNodeId))==null: "Internal Ignite code should never call the method with local node in a node list."; IgniteCheckedExceptionerr=null; for(ClusterNodenode:nodes){ ...
asn1::cbit_ref bref(byte_buf.msg, byte_buf.N_bytes); TESTASSERT(s1ap_pdu.unpack(bref) == asn1::SRSASN_SUCCESS); rrc.setup_ue_ctxt(rnti, s1ap_pdu.init_msg().value.init_context_setup_request()); for (auto& item : s1ap_pdu.init_msg().value.init_context_setup_request().protoc...
@Override public long allocatePage(int grpId, int partId, byte flags) throws IgniteCheckedException { long root = PageIdUtils.pageId(partId, flags, 0); FullPageId fullId = new FullPageId(root, grpId); AtomicInteger allocator = allocators.get(fullId); if (allocator == null) allocator ...