exp = connections[db].ops.value_to_db_datetime(exp)ifresultand(mode =='set'or(mode =='add'andcurrent_expires < now)): cursor.execute("UPDATE %s SET value = %%s, expires = %%s ""WHERE cache_key = %%s"% table, [b64encoded, exp, key])else: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %s (ca...
castexternal code int...external interfacemextypecast Acknowledgements Inspired:cachedcall,num2vpi - Converts input exactly into vpi,DataHash FEATURED DISCUSSION MATLAB Without Borders: Connecting your projects with Python and other Open Source Tools. ...
datetime =typecast_timestamp(str(datetime))# Datetimes are artifically returned in UTC on databases that# don't support time zone. Restore the zone used in the query.ifsettings.USE_TZ: datetime = datetime.replace(tzinfo=None) datetime = timezone.make_aware(datetime, self.query.tzinfo)yieldda...
datetime =typecast_timestamp(str(datetime))# Datetimes are artifically returned in UTC on databases that# don't support time zone. Restore the zone used in the query.ifsettings.USE_TZ:ifdatetimeisNone:raiseValueError("Database returned an invalid value ""in QuerySet.dates(). Are time zone ...