- A string representing a timedelta object - A string representing a datetime """try:ifisinstance(lhs, six.integer_types): lhs = str(decimal.Decimal(lhs) / decimal.Decimal(1000000)) real_lhs = parse_duration(lhs)ifreal_lhsisNone: real_lhs = backend_utils.typecast_timestamp(lhs)ifisinstanc...
expires = row[2]ifconnections[db].features.needs_datetime_string_castandnotisinstance(expires, datetime):# Note: typecasting is needed by some 3rd party database backends.# All core backends work without typecasting, so be careful about# changes here - test suite will NOT pick regressions here...
expires = row[2]ifconnections[db].features.needs_datetime_string_castandnotisinstance(expires, datetime):# Note: typecasting is needed by some 3rd party database backends.# All core backends work without typecasting, so be careful about# changes here - test suite will NOT pick regressions here...