Thesubmitvalue ofinputdisplays a Submit button on a form. Clicking this button will submit the form data. If you want to use an image in place of a Submit button, use theimageinput type. Claire Broadley Claire is seasoned technical writer, editor, and HTML enthusiast. She writes forHTML....
inputtype=submit-HTML元素如果在同一表单中有多个inputtypesubmit按钮按回车键将使用第一个inputtypesubmit按钮提交表单除非此时正有另一个inputtypesubmit按钮获得了焦点 inputtype=submit-HTML元素 定义 创建一个按钮,点击该按钮后,即提交表单。 Creates a button that, when clicked, submits the form. 注释 使用...
1、首先,打开html编辑器,新建html文件,例如:index.html,编写问题基础代码。2、在index.html中的<input>标签中加入样式代码:style="background: url(small.png);width:200px;height:80px;"。3、浏览器运行index.html页面,此时显示出了一个submit提交类型的图片按钮。
<input> elements of type submit are rendered as buttons. When the click event occurs (typically because the user clicked the button), the user agent attempts to submit the form to the server.
Submit type属性 Submit 对象 定义和用法 type 属性可返回确认按钮的表单元素类型。 对于确认按钮,该属性总是 "submit"。 语法 submitObject.type 浏览器支持 所有主要浏览器都支持 type 属性 实例 实例 下面的例子可返回确认按钮的表单元素类型: <!DOCTYPE html>...
使用submit后,页面支持键盘enter键操作; 默认enter键对页面第一个submit进行操作; 用button后往往页面不支持enter键了. <input type= "submit" />不是一个画面元素,而是一个表单(Form)元素,和文本输入是一样的,都属于“数据”的一部分(特征是,有value属性,而且该属性的值,会被传送到server端,可以拿来用),而不...
在HTML中,将表单中INPUT元素的TYPE属性值设置为( )时,用于创建提交按钮A.resetB.buttonC.submitD.buttons
<form action="/example/action.html"> <fieldset> <legend>Number (0 - 50, increments of 10)</legend> <input type="number" name="number" min = "10" max="50" step="10" value="20"><br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> ...
Note:When the user clicks the button, therequiredattribute(s) are removed from the input(s) we are hiding, and empty thevalueattribute(s). This is so the form can be submitted if both input sets aren't filled in. It also ensures that the form won't submit data that the user didn'...