"If you make someone hear something every night as a bedtime story, it’s plenty possible for it to alter their Soul like a Curse, or a Blessing."[2] This should be applicable to Richard I, who was raised hearing the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.[3] ...
In spite of all the efforts of the poor old man, sundrytwitchings and screwings of the muscles of the face denoted theexquisite sensibility of these shutters to the windows of hissoul, which he was now having repainted. But the artist, with aheart as callous as that of an army surgeon...
Karna replies the lack of fame affects him as well, but Rama points to Ganesha as the one person who knows in her soul Karna’s heroics. Rama then gives Karna his Brahmastra to grant him Vishnu’s power, imploring Karna to save Sita in his place. Taking Shiva and Vishnu’s powers as...
Changes in iron levels cannot be attributed to growth defects of the ncr1∆ mutant as they were analyzed at time points where both strains clearly entered the PDS phase (see Supplementary Figure S2). Since proteins involved in vacuolar iron mobilization were upregulated and vacuolar iron storage...
Class Zero's adoptive mother Arecia Al-Rashia's true identity is that of an immortal deity-like figure who has been trying to cultivate a soul that could open the gate to the unseen realm. This became known as the legend of the Agito, and after each end of the world she has restarted...
A profile of biomarkers to describe the process of chronic inflammation is still quite inconsistent, as we, do not currently know which cut-off points are for a specific population or which to use and this could be helpful to establish an inflammatory state in individuals. We know that only ...
365. Soulchef 878 Force 366. KadoRi 841 Force 367. KittyKurosu 822 Force 368. Darladoll 801 Force 369. Ravenshead 793 Force 370. Syrela 647 Force 371. MaJe 629 Force 372. Raislin 596 Force 373. seiyozi 591 Force 374. NueJinZ 577 Force 375. patalie 564 Force 376. draconis 399 Fo...
神的福音 - 我保罗做基督耶稣的奴仆、蒙召的使徒,是为了神的福音被分别出来的。 这福音是神先前藉着他的先知们,在圣经上所应许的, 是关于他的儿子——我们的主耶稣基督的。照着肉身说,他出自大卫的后裔; 照着圣洁的灵说,藉着从死人中复活,他被显明是神大能的儿子。
4 我说那承受产业的,虽然是全业的主人,但为孩童的时候却与奴仆毫无分别, 2 乃在师傅和管家的手下,直等他父亲预定的时候来到。 3 我们为孩童的时候,受管於世俗小学之下,也是如此。 4 及至时候满足,神就差遣他的儿子,为女子所生,且生在律法以下, 5 要把律法以下...
points.bPR AUC. The area under the curve measures the relationship between the cells correctly classified as tumor cells versus the fraction of cells correctly assigned as tumor cells from the total number of cells classified as tumor cells. An AUC value of 0.992 shows robustness to class ...