Full size image In Fig.3, the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis of the synthesized silica NPs was carried out to unravel insights into their molecular composition. The investigation was conducted using the BRUKER Tensor 27 instrument from Germany, known for its high-resolution ...
Indeed, the full cost of T2D to the healthcare system encompasses considerable healthcare resource utilisation and expenditure across the full spectrum of comorbidities, all of which need to be considered when justifying the cost effectiveness of a treatment. For example, increased protection from HF ...
Stutterd, C.; McGillivray, G.; Stark, Z.; Messazos, B.; Cameron, F.; White, S.; Melbourne Genomics Health, A.; Mirzaa, G.; Leventer, R. Polymicrogyria in association with hypoglycemia points to mutation in the mTOR pathway. Eur. J. Med. Genet. 2018, 61, 738–740. [Google ...
All fieldsTitleAbstractKeywordsAuthorsAffiliationsDoiFull TextReferences Open AccessArticle by Sandra A. Reza-López 1, Susana González-Gurrola 2, Oscar O. Morales-Morales 1, Janette G. Moreno-González 1, Ana M. Rivas-Gómez 2, Everardo González-Rodríguez ...
Da die Lie- be zum Mitmenschen in diesem Kontext stark mit der Liebe zu Gott und der aus dieser Verbindung resultierenden neuen Form der Selbstliebe verbunden ist, untersucht Arendt jede dieser unterschiedlichen Liebesformen. Augustin bezeichnet sie mit drei Begriffen. »Augustine generally...
For all samples, a full simulation of the ATLAS detector response [50] was performed using the Geant 4 toolkit [51]. The effect of multiple interactions in the same and neighbour- ing bunch crossings (pile-up) was modelled by overlaying the original hard-scattering event with simulated ...
[31]. For older patients, the impact may be even more stark; in the EMPRISE cohort, patients ≥ 66 years taking SGLT2i had 757 fewer deaths and 996 fewer HHF per 100,000 patient-years, compared with propensity matched patients taking DPP-4i [66]. We note that less than 50% of...
There appears to be a stark induction of autophagy in SR-B1-antagonized cells [250]. Although the initial results indicated the role of reduced mTOR signaling as a driver of autophagic phenotype, further characterization of the mechanism of the observed stress remain to be investigated. These ...