She is actually a Designer Baby, a magus genetically engineered under the orders of Chaldea's late director, Marisbury Animusphere, to be a prime vessel for a Heroic Spirit's soul. The project aimed to control the powers of Heroic Spirits by binding them to a compatible mortal vessel in ...
The results reveal the superior performance of framed cantilevers in both lateral and vertical loads while offering better resistance against the progressive collapse.Sajedi, Seyed OmidUniv TehranMirghaderi, Seyed RasoulKeshavarzi, FarhadThe structural design of tall and special buildings...
Background: Diabetes is a rapidly growing global morbidity issue with high prevalence, and the associated dysglycemia leads to complications. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) often experience elevated anxiety levels, affecting their quality
FFiiFggiuugrrueer1e1441..4N.NuNumumemreireciracilacaflalfilafuailiruleurmreeommdeoosdd:ee(ssa::) (c(aar)a) ccckrriaanccgkkioinnfggbeooaffmbbeceaoammmpcoocnommepnopt;no(enbne)tn;yti(;ebl()dbiy)nigeyliodefilndbgionlotgsf (obaflollbntsoulm(taslbl(earlsl innuntmuhmebefibrgesruisnri...
enter the premises, you are greeted with structured green landscape that makes your soul reach a new level of calm. Nestled away from the city�??s noise pollution and hectic schedules, Earth Somnath offers you with a tranquil atmosphere and lots of first-class facilities t...
Bernard SoulestinElsevier B.V.Solid State IonicsBonhomme C,Beaudet-Savignat S,Chartier T,et al.Sinte-ring kinetics and oxide ion conduction in Sr-doped apatite-type lanthanum silicates La9Sr1Si6O26.5.Solid State Io-nics. 2009Bonhomme C, Beaudet-Saviglmt S, Chartier T,et al. Sinte- ring...
The results reveal the superior performance of framed cantilevers in both lateral and vertical loads while offering better resistance against the progressive collapse.doi:10.1002/tal.1469Sajedi, Seyed OmidMirghaderi, Seyed RasoulKeshavarzi, FarhadThe Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings...
doi:10.1038/ng.175Barrett, Jeffrey CHansoul, SarahNicolae, Dan LCho, Judy HDuerr, Richard HRioux, John DBrant, Steven RSilverberg, Mark STaylor, Kent DBarmada, M MichaelSpringer NatureNature Genetics
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study using an automatic text-mining analysis to explore novel metabolism-related targets for DM1. The number of articles in this area has drastically increased in recent years, meaning considerable efforts are being applied to discover the pathophy...
vvaarriiaabbllee rraannkkiinngg:: ((aa)) ffaauulltt iissoollaattiioonn ffoorr tthheeeenntitrierefafualut lrtegrieognio(nde(ndoetnedotaesdMaesthModet1h)o; d(b1))f;au(blt)isfoaulalttioinsoulastiniogntiumseinwgintidmoew wsliinddinogw(dselnidoitnedg (adseMnoetthedoda2s).Method 2)...