function void uvm_set_type_override_by_type (string original_type_name, string override_type_name) ``` 该函数的作用是将原始类型名称`original_type_name`设置为使用`override_type_name`进行覆盖。 示例用法: ```systemverilog uvm_set_type_override_by_type("my_original_type", "my_override_type"...
functionvoidbuild_phase(uvm_phasephase); 39 uvm_factoryfactory=uvm_factory::get(); 40 super.build_phase(phase); 41 42 base_obj::type_id::set_type_override(child_obj::get_type()); 43 obj_b=base_obj::type_id::create("obj_b"); ...
I am trying to override drive with another driver. both are dervied from uvm-driver but i get fatal error error:UVM_FATAL @ 0: reporter [FCTTYP] Factory did not return a component of type ‘adpcm_driver’. A component of …
1class uvm_default_factory extends uvm_factory;23//Group: Registering Types45//Function: register6//7//Registers the given proxy object, ~obj~, with the factory.89extern virtualfunctionvoidregister(uvm_object_wrapper obj);101112//Group: Type & Instance Overrides1314//Function: set_inst_override...
(); finish_item(packet_item); endtask endclass class test_da_is_10 extends test_base virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase ) super.build_phase(phase); set_inst_override_by_type("env.sgt.sqr.packer_sequence.packet_item",packet::get_type(),packet_da_10::get_type()); end...
UVM / OVM Other Libraries Enable TL-Verilog Enable Easier UVM Enable VUnit Libraries Top entity Enable VUnit Specman Libraries Tools & Simulators Compile Options Run Options Compile Options Run Options Use run.bash shell script Run custom file Custom File Compile Options Run Options...
name, override.datatype_, override.dims_, total_batch_size, payloads, &input_buffers, &input_names)); &input_buffers, &input_names, &cuda_used)); } } @@ -611,6 +611,12 @@ OnnxBackend::Context::Run( output_tensors_.emplace_back(nullptr); } #ifdef TRTIS_ENABLE_GPU if (cuda...
本文最后更新于 1163 天前,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。 #include <cstdio> #include <...
Hello i am trying to use set_type_override to override a transaction object here are my two transactions class t1 extends uvm_sequence_item;// declaring a transaction object `uvm_object_utils(t1)// registering the …