type of species随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾外部资源(未审查的) Wide variations in hook and line configuration and their mode of operation have made them an effective gear type for a wide variety of species. fao.org 钩和绳的结构以及作业方式变化很大,使其成为捕 捞 大 量...
species composition of a forest 林木组成 a wild goose chase n. 徒劳的举动 wild type strain 野生型菌株 相似单词 species n.[C] 1.物种;种 2.【口或谑】种类;类型 wild adj. 1.野生的,未驯化的 2.未开化的;野蛮的 3.无居民的,荒凉的 4.强烈的,狂暴的 5.狂热的,发怒的,疯狂的 6.对…...
type species- (biology) the species that best exemplifies the essential characteristics of the genus to which it belongs biological science,biology- the science that studies living organisms species- (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed ...
Species(n.)---“种类”。指相同种类的生物。 Type(n.)---“种类”。指不太明确类别的划分,有主观判断之意。 Category(n.)---“种类”。正式用语。指对材料 或图书等进行分析而划分的种类。 例:This is the best kind of pen. 这是最好的一种钢笔。 I can feel at home in this kind of room....
give priority to the question of the inclusion of Clupea bentincki as a sardine type species in order to achieve progress. codexalimentarius.org 智利代 表团对于在已经遵照鱼及渔产品委员会确定的所有要求之后,1996 年开始的标准制 定过程仍然延误表示关注,要求食典委优先讨论 Clupea bentincki 作为一个...
class, kind, , species, sort, type这些名词区别如下。 【1】class:正式用词,指门类、种类或优劣等级;用于指动植物的分类时,表示"纲"。 It was good accommodation for a hotel of this class. 就这种档次的旅馆来说,住宿条件算是不错了。 Like the dahlia, the cornflower Centaurea cyanus belongs to...
Natural selection is the process by which one type of animal within a species thrives because of certain characteristics that make it more likely to live than others in its group. The history of the peppered moth(灰蛾)is an example of the natural selection process. In 19th century England, ...
根据第一段Natural selection is the process by which one type of animal within a species thrives because of certain characteristics that make it more likely to live than others in its group.可知,自然选择是一种过程,在这个过程中一种动物有使它比其他群体更有可能活下去的某些特征而能够更多地繁衍生息...
type,species&sort的区别主要是:type和sort作为“种类”讲时,常可以互换;sort也为普通用语,sort常掺杂说话人的主观色彩,带有轻蔑与贬低的含义。species通常是生物学用语,指动植物的“种类”,有的时候也指“物种”。例如:1、We talked of all sorts of subjects.我们谈了各种话题。2、These sorts...
a type of wild species 一种野生种相关短语 Berkshire (一种猪名) 巴克夏 dry granular (一种釉料) 干粒 Toggenburg (一种山羊) 多根堡 Dumont blue (一种钴蓝) 杜蒙蓝色料 Hareford (一种肉牛) 海福特 Saanen (一种山羊) 萨阿嫩 gecalloy (一种合金) 盖克洛 neosin (肌中的一种碱) 尼奥辛 Nicalon...