The description of the Party Type. First included in: PartyType (this entity)PropertiesExpand table NameValue displayName Party Type Description description The description of the Party Type. dataFormat string maximumLength 2048 isNullable true
The unique identifier of a Telephone Number Type. First included in: TelephoneNumberType (this entity)PropertiesExpand table NameValue displayName Telephone Number Type ID description The unique identifier of a Telephone Number Type. isPrimaryKey true dataFormat int32...
China claims sovereignty over almost the entire South China Sea and has for years permanently deployed hundreds of coast guard and fishing vessels in disputed areas like the Spratlys, where it has dredged sand to build islands on reefs, and equipped them with missiles a...
Strong execution despite the challenging environment in the quarter Resilient backlog of $20.6 billion; $14.9 billion scheduled for 2021 and beyond Net liquidity of $6.8 billion, an increase of $1.2 billion sequentially On track to deliver targeted cost savings t...