The list of careers chosen by specific types comes from data about people who have taken the Personality Questionnaire© or the MBTI™. It is real data, provided for your reference, and intended to be an informational guide. This generalized data doesn't guarantee success or failure for ind...
This personality traits list gives instant access to the Core Characters™ of Type. Find out the different types of characters with The Myers-Briggs Company.
type T personalitytypecompetitivedrivenstressedworkaholic型具竞争性好强压力大工作狂typerelaxedpatientfriendly型放松自如有耐心友好typereticentunassertivenice型寡言谦逊过分仁慈typeanxiousinsecuregloomydepressed型急躁缺乏信心悲观忧虑typehighachievingperfectionisteverything型易有大成就完美主义者凡事凡人都要操心typeforwarding...
Brian Thompson's MBTI personality type is ESTJ (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging). This suggests Brian Thompson is Objective, Pragmatic, Critical, and Tough-minded.
My List of 66Type A Personality Traits They get things done. They don’t believe in procrastination and do things the minute they think of them. They are also the worst at giving themselves enough time to relax. They are ten times more likely to face burnout or completenervous exhaustiontha...
Educators and student guide to articles on Personality Type, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the MBTI Model, the 16 Personality Types and related personality theory.
This list isn't simply a compilation, but an exploration of the lives and works of some of the most influential individuals who share this personality type. Take a journey with us as we delve into the world of these famous INFP celebs from artists and musicians to comedians and female ...
The INTP personality type (as outlined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Test, or MBTI® Test) is the Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Intuition type. INTP types are proficient at giving an unbiased report on a given issue or project, regardless of their p...
The Retirement Personality Types Rather than say, “[Fill in your personality type here] are going to be such and such type of people in retirement,” we thought it would be fun to present you with a completely new list of retirement personalities. You’ll notice that they are not defined...
Of course, this is not a comprehensive list, but rather a compilation of a few examples to illustrate the idea. Take Jung’s typology personality test to discover your personality type, your personality type preferences, and find out which careers and occupations are best for your personality ty...