To determine whether you have a retail edition or a volume license edition, use one of the following methods, depending on which version of Microsoft Office product you've installed. Microsoft 365 If you're using a Microsoft 365 product, seeView Microsoft 365 licenses and services with ...
LicenseType() 方法摘要 修饰符和类型方法和描述 staticLicenseTypefromString(String name) 从其字符串表示形式创建或查找许可证类型。 staticjava.util.Collection<LicenseType>values() 方法继承自<T>
Microsoft Windows & Microsoft Office Licensing: 1. I do not have the physical license (sticker or box) of MS Windows or MS Office, but the product can be activated. These products were installed by other people long time ago, the original physical licenses are considered as lost, is this ...
Microsoft.Media.Drm 組件: Microsoft.Media.Drm.RMCore.NETCore.dll 定義所發行 PlayReady 授權的類型。 C# publicenumLicenseType 繼承 Enum LicenseType 欄位 NonPersistent1 所發行的授權僅) 記憶體中為非持續性 (。 Persistent0 所發出的授權可以在用戶端上保存。
About filtering by license These are the options you can filter by and how you can use them: Public domain: The image creator has waived their exclusive rights, to the fullest extent allowed by law.Learn more about this. Free to share and use: You can share and use them. Changing or ...
Microsoft.InformationProtection.dll Package: Microsoft.InformationProtection.File v1.14.108 License type to create a specialized license C# publicenumLicenseType Inheritance Enum LicenseType Fields DoNotForward0 Defines a do not forward license type ...
命名空間: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server 組件: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server (在 Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.dll 中)語法C# 複製 public class LicenseType : ILicenseType LicenseType 型別會公開下列成員。建構函式
重写此方法和SetSavedLicenseKey(Type, String)方法以实现保存的许可证密钥。resourceAssembly如果 参数为null,则可以从执行Assembly的主 节点检索资源。 适用于 产品版本 .NETCore 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9"},"events": [{"@odata.type":"microsoft.graph.event"}],"groupTypes": ["String"],"hasMembersWithLicenseErrors":"Boolean","hideFromAddressLists":false,"hideFromOutlookClients":false,"id":"String (identifier)","isAssignableToRole":false,"isSubscribedByMail":true,"license...
In some ways, it's easier. We had a system crash with Office 2016, and we replaced the system under warranty. It's technically a different computer, but the license was still transferrable. I got the transfer completed directly with Microsoft. "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the...