In his 1936 memorandum to the German government (Die kroatische Frage) Pavelić argued that "with the exception of a small part of the intelligentsia, mostly of foreign blood, the Croatian people, above all the Croatian peasantry, determinedly rejected Yugoslavism". Cited in Krizman, Ante ...
In: Technical Memorandum NO.1. US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center, USA. Belnap J, Gillette D A. 1998. Vulnerability of desert biological soil crusts to wind erosion: the influences of crust development, soil texture, and disturbance. Journal of Arid Environments, 39(2): 133–142. ...
Für KZ-Häftlinge, ausländische Kriegsgefangene und Zwangsarbeiter und auch für Teile der deutschen Bevölke- 1 U.S. Decorates Halder. German Army Chief Jailed by Nazis gets Civilian Award, in: The New York Times, 26. 11. 1961, S. 3; Award Given Halder, in: The ...
In addition, multiple Memorandums of Understanding have been signed between Universities and joint research, such as the establishment of the Costa Rica-China Center for Economic and Business Studies of the Beijing University of International Business and Economics. Investment opportunities Why do ...
A double Liege almanac, a memorandum-book, in which he had entered the money received from the sale of his wood and the dates of the payments made by his farmers; a daybook, in which he had made careful note of the number of head of game killed each day—that was all the bureau ...
Tief beeindruckt von der, wie er sagte, Schwäche und dem Defä- tismus der westlichen Demokratien angesichts der sowjetischen Bedrohung, dachte er Bevins „Western-Union"-Vorstellungen bis zu ihren logischen Konsequenzen durch. Sein Memorandum mit dem Titel „The Problem of Future ...
And, whether the subject might be a general memorandum of military policy, a reflection on the sentencing of a deserter, or pressing the attack on Confederate forces, he writes with remarkable clarity, insight, and concise eloquence. The primary source material for this compilation is the eight...
She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen to write a memorandum. Poor food and hard work impaired her health and she became thin. The parents were mortified by their children’s bad behavior before the guests. The United States became the predominate nation in the Western Hemisphere. He ...
Astonishingly, however, the quoted statement appears in a memorandum of advice to Charles de Gaulle written in 1945 at the end of the Second World War. Its author is Alexandre Kojève, the famous Marxist/Hegelian philosopher whose much more familiar prophecy is the impending arrival of the “...
Dezember Herrn Staatssekretär Lahr ein Memorandum zu dem ihr bereits von der belgischen Regierung zugeleiteten Benelux-Plan übermittelt. 9 Für den Wortlaut vgl. Dok. 197, Anm. 9. 10 Am 14. Dezember 1967 notierte Staatssekretär Lahr, daß sich Bundesminister Brandt und seine ...