I had two exchanges this week with parents about their children who go to Jewish schools in London. The first was a parent who told me that during a discussion about Judaism, one of their teachers compared the Maccabees to the Taliban. The second parent told me that their child had been ...
Aramaic is the language of law according to the Jewish faith, and this is what’s used to recite the biblical Song of Songs as the groom – and quite often repeated by the bride in some form – places the wedding ring on the bride’s right index finger. Sheva B’rachot Seven blessings...
Globalization and the Muslim WorldsAfrican American Religion and the FamilyAfro-American ReligionsAgnosticismAI and ReligionAncient Cult and Modern Methods: Unearthing the Religions of Ancient Israel and the Surrounding CulturesAncient Philosophy in Early and Medieval ChristianityAnimals and World ReligionsAnimal...
However, the relative risk was much higher for Jewish women with a first-degree relative who had breast cancer (3.78 [1.74-8.16]; p<0.001). The effect of family history was greater in Jewish women than in women of other religions (p interaction = 0.05). These results are consistent with...
Jesus Christ was born to a poor unmarried Jewish couple in the... 2565 Jesus Christ, second coming of 2565 Jesus Christ, second coming of Jesus Christ will return visibly and in glory at the end of... 2595 incarnation 2...
Antonius Margaritha, Johann Buxtorf and Christian Ethnographies of the Jews, in: Sixteenth Century Journal 25 (1994) 275–287; Yaacov Deutsch, "A View of the Jewish Religion" – Conceptions of Jewish Practice and Ritual in Early Modern Europe, in: Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 3 (2001) 273...
警戒门徒 - 这时,成千上万的人聚集在一起,甚至互相践踏。耶稣先对门徒说:“你们要提防法利赛人的酵,就是他们的伪善。 掩盖的事终会暴露出来,隐藏的秘密终会被人知道。 你们在暗处说的,将在明处被人听见;你们在密室里的私语,将在屋顶上被人宣扬。
Diemling, Maria (2006): Anthonius Margaritha on the „Whole Jewish Faith". A Sixteenth- Century Convert from Judaism and his Depiction of the Jewish Religion. In: Dean Philipp Bell & Stephen G. Burnett (Hrsg.), Jews, Judaism, and the Reformation in Sixteenth- Century Germany (Studies in...
A group of students at the Jewish Teachers Seminary in Würzburg, 1935/6. The picture was taken at the side entrance to the seminary, from Sa 第三,对末世的期望只能在德国犹太人的第三种团体中发现,这个团体即犹太复国主义团体。犹太复国主义者对民族的期望,体现在他们要在巴勒斯坦建立属于犹太人自己的...
Here are some examples of likely repercussions: ● Anti-semitism and anti-Zionism will spread particularly if a majority of the Jewish people in Israel and worldwide does not urgently distance itself unequivocally from the crimes committed by Israel, the Jewish state. ...