Car accidents happen more frequently than most people realize, and sometimes it is a minor incident that does not involve any damage or injuries. But the size of the accident is not necessarily the main factor when deciding whether to hire a lawyer to represent your interests. Canadian drivers...
[IncidentId <String>]: The unique identifier of incident [IntelligenceProfileId <String>]: The unique identifier of intelligenceProfile [IntelligenceProfileIndicatorId <String>]: The unique identifier of intelligenceProfileIndicator [LandingPageDetailId <String>]: The unique identifier of land...
IncidentType IncomeProducingStatus Index IndividualParty Interest InterestType IsoCurrencyConversion IssueMethod Issuer IssuerType Item ItemAlternateBillOfMaterial ItemBillOfMaterial ItemBillOfMaterialLine ItemEnvironmentalFootprint ItemEnvironmentalFootprintAssurance ItemEnvironmentalFootprintDataQualityScore ItemEnvironment...
Meet-cute (inciting incident):The “meet-cute” is a hollywood term for the first meeting between the protagonist and love interest that sets up their relationship. These scenes are often funny or awkward and evoke strong feelings in the characters either of attraction or anger. At the same t...
is called a\\emph{total-proper path} if $(i)$ any two adjacent edges of $P$ are assigneddistinct colors; $(ii)$ any two adjacent internal vertices of $P$ are assigneddistinct colors; $(iii)$ any internal vertex of $P$ is assigned a distinctcolor from its incident edges of $P$....
incident support (e.g.,decontamination, forensics); and iv. anticounterfeiting, authentication and positioning and localization (AAPL). A wide variety of nanoparticles are being investigated for security applications, including CNTs and other carbon-based nanomaterials, oxides andmetal nanoparticlesand quant...
Shouldthistypeofincident occur, the securityresponseteamshould work with managers and business stakeholders to determine appropriate next-steps. 如果發生這種意外,安全回應團隊應該與管理人員以及商業利害關係人合作,決定適當的後續 步驟。
“\text {U}”) stands for “downward” (resp. “upward”), the direction of all the arrows incident to the vertices belonging to the subset. When n=5, these are illustrated as follows, where \circ (resp. \heartsuit , \spadesuit , \bullet ) belong to \widehat{Q}^{\xi ,<}_0 ...
Angled tFUS stimulation was the preferred stimulation configuration for studying the cortex, as its activation pattern is shallower than normal incident tFUS. Numerical simulations were conducted using a pseudo-spectral time domain method (see Methods) of spatial distributions of the ultrasound pressure ...
Gromov–Witten invariants of a smooth projective varietyXare defined by integration over the virtual class [BF,LT] of the moduli spaceof genusgdegreestable maps: (0.1) Hereis the evaluation map at theith marking,is theith cotangent line class, andare cohomology classes. Sinceis a Deligne–Mum...