Russia: Will Putin Protect Religious Liberty?By Beverly NicklesCompass Direct
China has five levels of government: central, provincial, prefectural, county, township, and basic. People elect directly only county councils and, at the basic level, village councils and chiefs.China Government Type China's political system operates very differently than a liberal democracy. China...
From the outset, photography served the press. Within weeks after the French government’s announcement of the process in 1839, magazines were publishing woodcuts or lithographs with the byline “from a daguerreotype.” In fact, the two earliest illustrated weeklies—The Illustrated London News, ...
In thethirty-eighth episode of Geostrategy360, Viktorija speaks to Dr Philip Shetler-Jones about Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s visit to the UK. They discuss how Japan has responded to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; Japan’s strategic interests abroad and closer to home; deepening Bri...
Seven printed copies are preserved at the Museum of Rare & Precious Books of the Mongolian National Library in Ulaanbaatar, and other copies are held in the Tibetan Book Fund of the library. The Government of Mongolia had already listed the lexicon as a piece of unique cultural heritage in 20...
Please open." Rabinovich opens the door and is unsurprised to find Two KGB agents standing there. One of them is holding an envelope. KGB officer 1: "Tell us, Comrade Rabinovich, what is the best government system in the world?" Rabinovich: "Why, Communism." KGB officer 2: "And ...
Will my fellow Americans decide to change the way its government treats people who live here going forward? Or will enough of us realize what may happen if a new way forward quite different from the way the America of the past has been lead?
1 Department of Mathematics, University of Gujrat, Gujrat 50700, Pakistan 2 Department of Mathematics, Government College University Lahore (GCUL), Lahore 54000, Pakistan 3 Sector of Nonlinear Vortex Hydrodynamics, Institute of Engineering Science UB RAS, 620049 Ekaterinburg, Russia 4 Academic Departme...
Recently, the concept of personality type D has been proposed, which consists of a combination of negative affectivity and its suppression in social interactions [8]. Individuals with this personality type were found to be more likely to experience depressive symptoms [9], and on the other hand...
Mark R. Elliott