Is it because of the type of government when the characteristics of the investiture vote is similar (a simple majority and an ex-post vote)? Using Israel and Italy as case studies, we demonstrate that when the type of government is an oversized coalition and the investiture consists of a ...
Romanesque,Romanesque architecture- a style of architecture developed in Italy and western Europe between the Roman and the Gothic styles after 1000 AD; characterized by round arches and vaults and by the substitution of piers for columns and profuse ornament and arcades ...
Bungalows are atypeof house. 平房是一种房屋。 牛津词典 She mixes with alltypesof people. 她和各种类型的人打交道。 牛津词典 She mixes with people of alltypes. 她和各种类型的人打交道。 牛津词典 I love thistypeof book. 我喜欢这类书籍。
the use of thesetypes of software/programme infringes upon personal privacy or breaches the law depends on [...] 因此, 使用這些軟件 或程式有否侵犯他人 私隱或是否違法,實在是 取決於使用 者的目的、被收集 的資 料數據 的性質、收集 的用途 、資 料數據 擁有者 或有...
Type the passport number or other government ID for the contact for use in documents or reports. Display name: Government haschildrencode Edm.Int32 Select whether the contact has any children for reference in follow-up phone calls and other communications. Display name: Has Children Default ...
government bondsthe European Unioncross-border capital projectsIn the period 2003 to 2008, Western Balkan countries have made the average budget deficit of 0.8% of GDP and an average public expenditures of 38% of GDP. The public debt of the Western Balkans in the period was on average 50% ...
land use in the Government's land reserve, including about 1200-oddhectares of land zoned "VillageTypeDevelopment". 早前政府表示,現時在政府土地儲備中有2 100多公頃規劃作「住宅」或「商業/住宅」用途,當中包括約1200多公頃屬「鄉村式 發展」用地。
Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research (GENyO), Pfizer-University of Granada-Andalusian Regional Government, Parque Tecnico de la Ciencia de Salud, Granada, Spain Alejandro Rubio-Roldán & Jose L. García-Pérez Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre, Medical Research Council Institute of Genetics ...
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a major concern globally and well known for increasing risk of complications. However, diabetes complications often remain undiagnosed and untreated in a large number of high-risk patients. In this study based on claims data collected in South Korea, we aimed to explor...
The COVID-19 epidemic slowed the expansion of the internet market which resulted in a slowdown in online lottery market during pandemic time period. Government regulations cause people to be stranded at home, which affects the lifestyles of people. However, people started saving more during the pa...