53 These barriers are being addressed in several ways: SII has acquired from The Netherlands government Bilthoven Biologicals, a manufacturer of IPV and a developer of Sabin-strain IPV (sIPV) vaccines; GlaxoSmithKline and Biological E have formed a joint venture to devel...
soon followed. Massed aerial night bombing of English population centres was hoped to weaken civilian resolve and topple the wartime government, but as the weeks dragged on and the RAF continued to fight, Hitler postponed the invasion and re-focused his attention on the upcoming invasion of ...
(Exceptions: Germany, United Kingdom/Ireland and Japan. For more information, refer to the examples in the documentation on Address layout keys),. Maximum length: 35. nullable Optional brNfPartnerForeignIdn brNfPartnerForeignIdn: undefined | string Implementation of Br_NfDocumentTy...
It seems the ‘Triplex, Goggle Mask and Lens Co., Ltd’, was set up separately from ‘Triplex Safety Glass Co. Ltd’ when the latter’s ‘A.B. Aero Mask’ was adopted by the British Government for the RFC in Dec. 1916 and mentioned in U.S. GovernmentSpecial Regulations No.41in Aug...
This research was funded by the Government of Bulgaria through an European Space Agency Contract under PECS (Plan for European Cooperating States), grant number 4000117474/16/NL/NDe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency....
Summer maize, sunflower, spring wheat, and squash are the main crops in the study region, according to local government and field research. Crops grow between the months of April and October. The four crops’ planting areas are determined using local government statistics, which are available at...
The other route is associated with the legacy of imperial Rome, producing authoritarian government and conscript armies3. Most observers regard the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars as the defining stage in linking state formation to modern nationalism. First, the revol- utionary ideology ...
5. 1933. 21 Ebenda, American Consulate General Berlin an Secretary of State, Developments in the eco- nomic and financial program of the German Government, 9. 5. 1933. VfZ 3/2008 Christoph Buchheim: Das NS-Regime und die Überwindung der Weltwirtschaftskrise in Deutschland 389 worden war...
3) The government, village collectives and residents, and developers have formed green growth alliances to meet their political and economic demands for the purposes of urban governance, land rents, and economic interests, respectively, eventually forming a government- led green gentrification operation ...
[55]It was at about this time that Kafka became a vegetarian.[56]Around 1915, Kafka received his draft notice for military service in World War I, but his employers at the insurance institute arranged for a deferment because his work was considered essential government service. He later ...