releaseVersion "" string semantic version number of the application introducing this entity is.localized.displayedAs Holds the list of language specific display text for an object. 展开表 ParameterValueData typeExplanation localizedDisplayText 展开表 languageTagdisplayTex...
Because Yukon will use XQuery as the native mechanism for querying the XML data type inside the server, it is required to have some sort of manipulation language. The alternative would be to give users only the ability to replace the instance of the XML type as an...
indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object is.dataFormat.guid means.identity.entityId is.identifiedBy names a specific identity attribute to ...
identity, personal identity, individuality - the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity; "you can lose your identity when you join the army" personableness - the complex of attributes that make a person socially attractive anal personality, anal retentive personality -...
means.identity.entityId is.linkedEntity.identifier Marks the attribute(s) that hold foreign key references to a linked (used as an attribute) entity. This attribute is added to the resolved entity to enumerate the referenced entities. 展开表 ParameterValueData typ...
Thesetype-specified declarations act as comments as well. They would not trigger any resolution or inclusion of modules. Similarly, their named bindings are not validated, and thus there is no runtime error if a named binding references an entity that was never declared. Instead, design-time to...
Let's take advantage of the latest ES8 (ES2017) features and use async/await syntax instead:import { createConnection } from "typeorm"; import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"; createConnection(/*...*/).then(async connection => { let photo = new Photo(); = "Me and ...
Gi Admin Pro是一个基于 Vue3、Vite、TypeScript、Arco Design Vue、Pinia、VueUse 等的免费中后台模版,它使用了最新的前端技术栈,内置丰富的主题配置,有着极高的代码规范,基于 mock 实现的动态数据展示,开箱即用的模板,也可用于学习参考。 Gi 前缀含义:G:代表全局 i:代表我的 ...
V-IM(中文名:乐聊)基于JS的超轻量级聊天软件。前端:vue3.0、element plus、electron、TypeScrip,支持windows、linux、mac、安卓、IOS、小程序、H5。支持语音消息,视频通话等。服务端: springboot、tio、mybatis 等技术。
depending on the data types of elements in the array, we have looked at the creation and access operations that can be carried out using different forms of bracket. Finally, the chapter looked at structure types and how they can be used to collect a set of details about an entity or obje...