Reports that the symptoms for diabetes can be attributed to other illnesses, and therefore many people with the illnesses are not aware of having it. What is diabetes; People at risk for type II diabetes; Methods for the treatme...
Such expressions often contain a mix of highly specific names (diseases, drugs, etc.) and common words such as "condition", "degree", "process", etc. These words can have different semantic types depending on their context in noun phrases. In this paper, we address the task of classifying...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
names of prisoners held in solitary confinement, the type of offence and the signature of the officer in charge; however [...] 另外,还查看了处罚登记簿,内容包括隔离监禁囚犯的姓 名 、犯 罪类 型和 主 管签字;但没有系统记录处罚期限。 daccess-ods.un.orgFor...
Scientists have developed a new type of smart bandage (绷带) that can signal the type of bacterial (细菌的) infection it’s protecting, just like a traffic light, as well as release the right type of drugs on demand. The traffic light system works just like this: Green means no bacteria...
Compare Drugs News Pro Edition More Resources Help & SupportHome Treatments Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes, Type 2 Print Medications for Diabetes, Type 2Other names: Diabetes; Noninsulin-dependent Diabetes; Type 2 DiabetesMedically reviewed by Carmen Pope, BPharm. Last updated on Feb 19, 2024.If...
The different methods of multiple testing correction corresponded to FDR of 0.05 on the ground-truth dataset. The overlap between MOVE t-test and MOVE Bayes was used for further analysis (n = 573). d, The number of significant associations found between drugs and features in the multi-...
Generation of surrogate cells with stable functional identities is crucial for developing cell-based therapies. Efforts to produce insulin-secreting replacement cells to treat diabetes require reliable tools to assess islet cellular identity. Here, we co
Authors should provide the name of the manufacturer and their location for any specifically named medical equipment and instruments, andall drugs should be identified by their pharmaceutical names, and by their trade name if relevant. References: Only papers directly related to the article should be...
elder, whowasconsideredsuitable for a particulartypeofservice after undergoing SCNAMES, would [...] 委員關注到,倘若長者在接受統一評估後被評為適合接受某類服務,當局會否因該類服務的名額緊絀而不向其提供有 關服務。