.withNeo4jConfig("internal.dbms.type_constraints", "true") Collaborator ncordon May 31, 2023 • edited I'm happy to leave the tests as they are so we can get the work in, but isn't there any way to test this with unit tests instead of integration tests? Contributor Author gem-...
CASCADE CONSTRAINTSCASCADE CONSTRAINTSを指定すると、クラスタに含まれる表の主キーまたは一意キーを参照するクラスタ外の表から、すべての参照整合性制約を削除できます。このような参照整合性制約があるときにこの句の指定を省略した場合、エラーが戻され、クラスタは削除されません。
ForMAP, specify a member function (MAPmethod) that returns the relative position of a given instance in the ordering of all instances of the object. A map method is called implicitly and induces an ordering of object instances by mapping them to values of a predefined scalar type. Oracle Dat...
Selection of a set of optimal n-grams for indexing string data in a DBMS system under space constraints introduced by the system realizing that the n-grain “or” is a substring of the query string, “York”, and if the gram “or” indexed the attribute Airport, then the index could be...
Check constraints or partition function of source table ALTER TABLE with variable TableName ALTER vs UPDATE when creating a new column with default value. Alternate queries for MERGE Alternative for OR in WHERE clause Alternative for PIVOT Alternative of CURSOR in SQL to improve performance ?
Returns the current date and time in the session time zone. DBTIMEZONE Returns the current date and time in the database time zone. SYS_EXTRACT_UTC Returns the UTC date and time. TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ Converts a character string of CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2...
(10),salhist SALHIST_TYP);TYPEemp_arr_typISTABLEOFemprec_typINDEXBYBINARY_INTEGER;emp_arr emp_arr_typ;PROCEDUREfetch_emp(p_empnoINNUMBER)ISCURSORemp_curISSELECTe.empno,e.ename,h.startdate,h.job,h.salFROMemp e,jobhist hWHEREe.empno=p_empnoANDe.empno=h.empno;iINTEGER:=0;BE...
We callsimpleSqlNameon lines 19 and 20 to ensure that no SQL injection is possible. This makes the variablesdeptandempin thetemplate literalssafe. The functionsimpleSqlNamehas the advantage that it runs outside of the database. It has the same logic as its siblingdbms_assert.simple_sql_name....
from user_constraints where status = 'ENABLED') loop DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'R disable'); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter table ' ||i.table_name|| ' disable constraint ' ||i.constraint_name; end loop i; FOR i IN cur LOOP tab := '1'; tab := i.table_name || tab; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_...