Fuzzy number type data is a typical class of fuzzy data, and it can be regarded as a general form of the interval data and the crisp data. This paper studies fuzzy clustering algorithm for triangular fuzzy numbers. First of all, we give a novel distance between triangular fuzzy numbers by...
in the regions of differential chromatin accessibility for each cell type. This yielded a cell type by cell type table containing the area under the curve (AUC) scores representing the raw enrichment. The scores were then normalized row-wise and clustered with the Ward. D2 clustering algorithm....
For input to our method, we use post-quality control scRNA-seq data with unique molecular identifier counts, a target marker set size, and a hierarchical taxonomy of cell labels. When cell labels do not exist, labels may be inferred using a clustering algorithm, or via another data modality...
Automated Variable Weighting in k-Means Type Clustering 这篇文章主要的创新点在于–给予特征向量的每个维度一个权重ω j \omega_jωj,称之为W-k-Means的方法。该方法主要用于数据挖掘和统计学中的特征筛选。 原始的K-means聚类方法不足之处在于,如果数据集当中混有大量随机噪音(也就是特征向量中有若干...
To address this difficulty, in this paper a two-stage clustering algorithm for multi-type relational data (TSMRC) has been proposed Based on the analysis of data and relationships, TSMRC has two stages, which are benefit to improve the efficiency of clustering. To improve the quality of ...
The complete bibliography, which provides a comprehensive list of articles and books on the theory and application of the Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) algorithm from 1970 to 1982, was published in the book [12]. In this book three types of algorithms were described: the original GMDH...
The method using fuzzy C-mean clustering algorithm and the back-propagation technique to determine parameters of type-2 TSK fuzzy classifier was presented. The generalized bell primary membership function was used to examine the performance of the classifier with different shapes of membership functions...
Experimental results on Movie database show the effectiveness of this method.GAO YingLIU DaYouQI HongLIU He高滢刘大有齐红刘赫软件学报GAO Ying,LIU Da-You,QI Hong,LIU He."Semi-Supervised K-Means ClusteringAlgorithm for Multi-Type Relational Data". Journal of Software . 2008...
8a). However, they lack the expression of key peripheral myelin constituent genes such as MPZ and PMP2, confirming the absence of actual myelin in the lamprey PNS28. Together with the co-clustering of this cell type with mouse satellite glia and Schwann cells (Fig. 2c), our observations ...
implying that a clustering algorithm that assigns one cell type to each spot would not be adequate in localizing cell types. To understand the spatial distributions of cell types in tissues analyzed using spatial barcoding-based technologies, cell-type proportions are often estimated across the spots...