StorageAccountType @Deprecatedpublic StorageAccountType() Deprecated Use the fromString(String name) factory method. Creates a new instance of StorageAccountType value.Method Details fromString public static StorageAccountType fromString(String name) Creates or finds a StorageAccountType from its string...
The development of new hardware technologies, like remote direct memory access (RDMA), CXL, and non-volatile memory express (NVMe) SSD, call for a new type of storage-compute decoupled architecture. This will address the need to ensure that storage-domain services in the cloud and Internet can...
StorageReference Interface Info export interface StorageReference 云端文件的引用,提供对象的列举、上传、下载、获取文件的下……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
This API is used to query the storage type of a specified DB engine version.Before calling an API, you need to understand the API in Authentication.URI formatGET /v3/{pro
public GoogleCloudStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties withSecretAccessKey(SecretBase secretAccessKey) Set the secretAccessKey property: The secret access key of the Google Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Parameters: secretAccessKey - the secretAccessKey value to s...
For the operation method of disk scaling up, you can view Scaling up of Cloud Disk Storage (CDS). You can view the price of the changed disk on the right side of the page, click "Next" after confirmation, and then complete the order and pay. After you complete the above operations,...
public GoogleCloudStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties withAccessKeyId(Object accessKeyId) Set the accessKeyId property: The access key identifier of the Google Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Parameters: acc...
The type of storage container. Example: Tank Farm Storage Tank Geologic Storage Aquifer Salt Cavern Storage Field Salt Dome Depleted reservoir Water Tower Rooftop entity a reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text is.identifiedBy Names a specific identity attribute to use ...
This command lists the available storage volumes on the appropriate cloud for a specified configuration file. Request GET http://{hostname}:{port} /landscaper/rest/cloud/resources/volumes/available/blueprint/{blueprint}/configuration/{configuration} ...
This API is used to query the storage type of a specified DB engine version.Before calling an API, you need to understand the API in Authentication.Before calling this AP