As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is based. 303 entries for 馬太福音 26 1075 God, justice of 1075 God, justice of The moral righteousness ...
谋害耶稣 - 耶稣讲完了这番话后,对门徒说: “你们知道,两天后就是逾越节,到时人子会被出卖,被钉在十字架上。” 那时,祭司长和民间的长老正聚集在大祭司该亚法的府里, 策划逮捕、杀害耶稣。
26Jesus responded,“It is the one to whom I give the bread I dip in the bowl.”And when he had dipped it, he gave it to Judas, son of Simon Iscariot.27When Judas had eaten the bread, Satan entered into him. Then Jesus told him,“Hurry and do what you’re going to do....
The God-given freedom of action expressed in rightful power to control... 5217 authority, in the church 5217 authority, in the church The exercise of freedom under Jesus Christ’s authority for the good... 5222 baking 5222 baki...
As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is based. 303 entries for 馬太福音 26 1075 God, justice of 1075 God, justice of The moral righteousness of ...
As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is based. 303 entries for 馬太福音 26 1075 God, justice of 1075 God, justice of The moral righteousness of God is...
犹太首领策划杀害耶稣 - 说完这些,耶稣又对他的门徒们说: “你们知道,后天就是逾越节了,那天人子将被交给他的敌人,钉死在十字架上。” 祭司长和年长的犹太首领聚集在大祭司该亚法家的院子里。 他们秘密策划设法逮捕耶稣,并杀害他。
As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is based. 303 entries for 馬太福音 26 1075 God, justice of Expand 1080 God, living and self-sustaining 1080 God, livin...