Contains response data for the listByAgentNext operation. TypeScript Copy type JobsListByAgentNextResponse = JobListResult English (United States) Your Privacy Choices Theme Manage cookies Previous Versions Blog Contribute Privacy Terms of Use Trademarks © Microsoft 2024...
AgentArtifactType enumReference Feedback Package: azure-devops-extension-api FieldsLeathnaigh an tábla XamlBuild = 0 Indicates XamlBuild artifact Build = 1 Indicates Build artifact Jenkins = 2 Indicates Jenkins artifact FileShare = 3 Indicates FileShare artifact Nuget = 4 Indicates Nuget ...
TypeChat源码分析:基于大语言模型的定制化 AI Agent 交互规范 本文深入介绍了微软最近发布的 TypeChat 项目,该项目允许开发者定义大语言模型返回的响应结构。通过分析源代码,探讨了 Prompt 的基本概念,为定制化开发互动式 AI Agent 提供便捷的解决方案。 文章着重介绍 TypeChat 的关键要素,例如集成不同的大语言模型、提...
Defines values for IssueType. KnownIssueType can be used interchangeably with IssueType, this enum contains the known values that the service supports. Known values supported by the service Unknown AgentStopped GuestFirewall DnsResolution SocketBind
AgentArtifactType enumReference Feedback Package: azure-devops-extension-api FieldsRozbalit tabulku XamlBuild = 0 Indicates XamlBuild artifact Build = 1 Indicates Build artifact Jenkins = 2 Indicates Jenkins artifact FileShare = 3 Indicates FileShare artifact Nuget = 4 Indicates Nuget ...
agent_chain = initialize_agent( tools, llm, agent=AgentType.CHAT_CONVERSATIONAL_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True, return_intermediate_steps=True, handle_parsing_errors=True, memory=memory ) how to overwrite the PREFIX, SUFFIX and FORMAT_I...
⚡ (dify) Make sure Dify also works with agent assistants [d171aa6] 🚸 Fix shift key to scroll the graph horizontally [cd488c2] 🚸 (editor) Enable groups clipboard accross tabs [e05580a] 🚸 (url) Less strict URL validation on server [f7d3d58] ⚡ (dify) Include empty files...
"By adopting an AI agent as an assistant for a simple and repetitive task, teachers would be able to have more things scheduled such as meeting with students and developing teaching strategies." (1) What kind of AI teaching assistants can students easily accept? (2) What do researchers ...
ProxyAgentSettings ProxyOnlyResource ProxyResource PublicIPAddressSku PublicIPAddressSkuName PublicIPAddressSkuTier PublicIPAllocationMethod PublicNetworkAccess PurchasePlan RecommendedMachineConfiguration RecoveryWalkResponse RegionalReplicationStatus RegionalSharingStatus RepairAction ReplicationMode ReplicationState Replicati...
VirtualMachineAgentInstanceView VirtualMachineAssessPatchesResult VirtualMachineCaptureParameters VirtualMachineCaptureResult VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes VirtualMachineExtension VirtualMachineExtensionHandlerInstanceView VirtualMachineExtensionImage VirtualMachineExtensionImages VirtualMachineExtensionImagesGet...