通过检查Python版本、升级pip、创建虚拟环境、检查代码语法错误以及查看错误日志,你可以解决pip安装第三方库时报错TypeError: ‘type’ object is not subscriptable的问题。如果问题依然存在,可以尝试在网上搜索或者在技术论坛上寻求帮助。在安装第三方库时,确保你的环境配置正确,并且遵循库的文档和要求,可以避免一些常见的...
1、TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable when indexing in to a dictionary I have multiple files that I need to load so I'm using adictto shorten things. When I run I get a "TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable" Error. How can I get this to work? m1 = pygame.ima...
TypeError: 'dict_keys' object is not subscriptable TypeError: ‘dict_keys’objectisnotsubscriptable今天在学习《Python数据分析》的时候,遇到了一个属于Python3代码兼容问题的BUG。具体如下图吧所示: 在这里,只要先把它转为 list 对象再进行切片, 就可以了。具体如下: ...
“TypeError: type object is not subscriptable”错误通常出现在Python编程中,指的是尝试对一个不支持下标操作(即索引或切片操作)的类型使用下标操作。下面是对这个错误的详细解释、可能的原因、解决方法以及一个示例代码。 1. 错误含义 “TypeError: type object is not subscriptable”错误表明你尝试对一个不支持下标...
1.Python报错:TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable (直译为,类型错误:“类型”对象不可下标) 2.示例代码 1list=[1,2,3,4,5]2deffn(x):3returnx**245res =map[fn,list]6res = [iforiinresifi > 10]7print(res) 3.报错原因 ...
from scenic.common_lib import export_utils File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/scenic/common_lib/export_utils.py", line 38, in <module> Sequence[dict[str, tf.TensorSpec]], TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable My python version is 3.8, which version should I use to ...
用最新的main代码,在linux环境下训练,使用的中文素材,在格式化数据的时候报错: File "GPT_SoVITS/prepare_datasets/1-get-text.py", line 91, in process phones, word2ph, norm_text = clean_text( File "/root/autodl-fs/ai-voice/GPT-SoVITS/GPT_SoVITS/text/cleaner.py", line 36, in clean_text...
But, if we perform the indexing notation on a value that is returned by the type() function, we receive the Error Message ' type' object is not subscriptable . This error message states that we perform a subscriptable notation like indexing on the 'type' object, and the 'type' object ...
TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable root@macco:/home/ubuntu/be#marco99asr assigned dsdanielpark Nov 6, 2023 Owner dsdanielpark commented Nov 6, 2023 Solution: Reinstall with the GitHub dev version or use Python version 3.9 or higher. Are you using the GitHub dev version or the...