这个错误是一个 AttributeError,它通常发生在尝试访问一个对象的属性时,但该对象并没有这个属性。错误信息明确指出了 'type object 'IOLoop' has no attribute 'initialized',这意味着 IOLoop 这个类型对象没有 initialized 这个属性。 2. 确认 IOLoop 对象所属库的版本和文档 IOLoop 类通常出现在使用 Tornado 框架...
type object 'IOLoop' has no attribute 'initialized' 这就是tornado版本的问题,但是与其回退版本,不如升级版本 If you've got tornado v5 then you need to upgrade pyzmq to v17. If you're using anaconda installation of python this works conda install -c anaconda pyzmq 大概这个问题只有在老版本升级...
Used salt for the past 2 days, only running the highstate commands. Went back to it this morning, none of the services are working. They all give the following error: 2018-03-05 12:29:16,104 [salt.utils.process:670 ][ERROR ][19428] An un...
用anacondaprompt打开jupyter时,出现AttributeError:typeobject‘IOLoop’hasnoattribute‘initialized’,解决方案如下:condainstalltornado=4.5进行tornado下载 python安装包相关报错 报500的错误报错信息如下图:解决办法: 把jupyter的依赖tornado卸载,然后重装tornado5.1.1 就ok 命令: pip uninstalltornadopipinstalltornado5.1.1...
jupyter报错AttributeError: type object ‘IOLoop‘ has no attribute ‘initialized‘ 问题描述: 打开jupyter notebook时,报错 解决方案(在安装了anaconda的情况下): 1. 降低tornado版本 看了很多博客,大多数都是说tornado版本与jupyter不匹配,安装指定版本的tornado就行 2. 升级pyzmq版本 我安装成功之后,jupyter还是...
python3 has_key() 的问题 AttributeError: type object dict has no attribute has_key 运行结果报错内容:AttributeError: type object ‘dict’ has no attribute ‘has_key’ 运行结果报错解析:该字典类型没有没有该has_key()属性。 报错原因:当你调用该方法时会报错,是因为python3.0之后该方法已经没有了。
regarding salt-minion does not start: AttributeError: type object 'IOLoop' has no attribute 'initialized' to be marked as done. This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with. If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the ...
Type object my_test_unittest has no attribution “test_login”,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。