在Stata中出现“type mismatch”错误时,通常表示某些操作的数据类型与预期不符。要解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行: 确认错误上下文: 首先,需要明确错误是在哪个操作或命令执行时出现的。这有助于定位问题所在。 检查变量数据类型: 使用describe命令查看所有变量的数据类型。 stata describe 使用tabulate或summariz...
第一种情况,你代码有问题,以下是我自己熵值法的代码块,自取 foreach x of global xlist{ egen min...
type mismatch 顾名思义,数据形式不匹配,转换一下数据形式,即字符型和数值型转换一下试试,用tostring 或者destring
stata 运行【e..各位大神,我在运行db eventstudy时,出现这种状况:. db eventstudy. eventstudy using "C:\Users\nami\Desktop\stata学习
Subject st: Type mismatch in while and somes issues with statalist Date Thu, 7 May 2009 16:10:19 -0500Hello all, I have three questions. First, my data structure is like this: v1 v2 v3... 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 ... To stack all observations in v1, I tried the following ...
equivalent to the one in ADH with the same instrument, but with German data. I've transformed all the missing values of my datasets in zeros, and got rid of all the collinear vectors of the emp_share matrix manually. But when I run the following, I get the error "Type mismatch" : ...
Re: st: Error message 'type mismatch' From: wying1@umbc.edu Prev by Date: st: covariance of error terms in heckman selection model Next by Date: st: RE: covariance of error terms in heckman selection model Previous by thread: st: covariance of error terms in heckman selection model...
To statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Subject st: Type Miismatch error after Encode in time series Date Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:41:40 -0400I am getting a Type Mismatch error that I cannot solve despite spending a lot of time reading various resources. I obtained a data set with one field tha...