request 文心快码BaiduComate 回答: 1. 解释HTTP状态码405的含义 HTTP状态码405(Method Not Allowed)表示客户端请求中的方法(如GET、POST等)不被服务器允许。这通常意味着,尽管请求的URL是有效的,但请求的方法(例如,尝试使用POST方法在一个只接受GET方法的资源上)并不被服务器配置为可接受的。 2. 分析可能导致40...
There was an unexpected error (type=Method Not Allowed, status=405). Request method 'POST' not supported 】 原因:从字面意思看是提交方式错误,该错误提示极具迷惑性,实际是由于submit事件最后没有return false;导致的。ajax会提交一次,form表单自带的submit按钮也会提交,在onclick事件最后加上return false;for...
There was an unexpected error (type=Method Not Allowed, status=405). Request method 'GET' not suppor 解决方案 必须都是包装类型
并且出现“HTTP 错误 405.0 - Method Not Allowed无法显示您正在查找的页面,因为使用了无效方法(HTTP ...
【愚公系列】2022年04月 Python教学课程 77-DRF框架之异常
type: Status report message: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL description: The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource (HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL). 经过上网查询,原因如下: 1,继承自HttpServlet的Servlet没有重写对于请求和响应的处理方法:doGet...
type: Status report message: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL description: The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource (HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL). 经过上网查询,原因如下: 1,继承自HttpServlet的Servlet没有重写对于请求和响应的处理方法:doGet...
405 Method not allowed The HTTP verb used in the request isn't allowed for the specific URI that an HTTP client requested. For an incoming call, you need to examine the HTTP method and compare that with what the endpoint supports. One example could be a client calling an ...
Method Put not Allowed in IIS 7.5 using Type Script + Angular Js + Web API Status 405 I have implemented a code using Type Script and Angular Js and used http.put and passing some data to my web API than get the response from my Web API and fill it into the grid....
405 method not allowed(postman) 500 Internal server Error while calling a webservice through Httprequest 64 bit app calling 32 bit dll? 64-bit IIS memory limit !!! 999 non standard linked in error A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall A call to PInvoke fun...