These notebooks, often referred to as da Vinci's manuscripts, recorded his inventions, observations, and theories about everything that captured his attention. Leonard's genius made him a pioneer in almost every field of study he undertook. His paintings, together with his notebooks, have ...
These notebooks, often referred to as da Vinci's manuscripts, recorded his inventions, observations, and theories about everything that captured his attention. Leonard's genius made him a pioneer in almost every field of study he undertook. His paintings, together with his notebooks, have contribu...
Atreyu is a contemporary textura blackletter inspired from Gothic Illuminated Manuscripts of 14th century Germany. I've always had an affinity for blackletter since I grew up drawing calligraphy. And lets face it nothing can say Heavy Metal to Happy Holidays like a good old fashion blackletter. ...
For manuscripts that include western blots, authors are required to provide the full length uncropped original western blots used in their manuscript, as part of their original submission. Full length western blots should be uploaded as a single Supplementary File, should be clearly cited in the ...
and became the first director when The Morgan was established as a public institution in 1924. Celebrating The Morgan’s centennial, the exhibition is curated by Philip Palmer and Erica Ciallela. The presentation features a select...
It was, as Gina had said, a vast edifice of Victorian Gothic—a kind of temple to plutocracy. Literature At the start of the 15th century, Gothic manuscripts from Paris dominated the northern European market. WikiMatrix An Introduction to the Gothic Language. WikiMatrix The principal const...
are a symbol of Finland. The typeface FinlandiaScript owes its influence to both Sibelius’ manuscripts and the meadows, forests and lakes aroundAinola. The shape of letters, their poise and the rhythm they create resemble Sibelius’ handwriting without copying it. Gently flowing FinlandiaScript line...
All authors critically reviewed and revised the original and the revised manuscripts. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgments Our warmest thanks is extended to the staff and students who were involved in our data collection process, without whom this study would not have ...
, which were originally used in handwritten manuscripts to fill in the balance of a line.The design of these early type efforts could never get too involved as all copy was cast from lead matrices or carved in wood, which meant that curving text or getting letters to conform to specific ...
the Counting of the Omer. We commemorate the lead up to the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai by counting the 49 days from the second night of Passover to Shavuot. We no longer bring the Omer barley offering at the Temple in Jerusalem; instead, the liturgy includes a simple statement ...