cosmological parametersType II supernovaeWith the recent progresses on the Type II supernovae, we attempt to investigate whether there does exist new physics beyond the standard cosmological paradigm, i.e. the cosmological constant Λ plus cold dark matter ( Λ CDM). Constraining four alternative ...
网络第二型超新星 网络释义 1. 第二型超新星 第二型超新星(Type II supernovae) 只有太阳的60亿倍亮,变暗的方式较不规则。在第二型超新星的光谱中可以看到氢的谱线, …|基于6个网页
Observations of distant supernovae have provided startling evidence that the expansion of the Universe may be accelerating, rather than decelerating. If this result is verified by future studies, it has profound implications for cosmology. The reliability of this finding and its implications for both...
We present new estimates of the observed rates of SNe determined with the {\\em control time} method applied to the files of observations of two long term, photographic SN searches carried out at the Asiago and Sternberg Observatories. Our calculations are applied to a galaxy sample extracted ...
Supernovae: RedshiftsSupernovae: ModelsSupernovae: Methods of ObservationA hydro code coupled with radiation transfer was applied to produce monochromatic light curves of two models of type II supernovae (SN II) simulating SN II-P and SN IIb (SN 1993J-like). The authors ......
摘要: On the bases of wavelength coincidence and comparison of observed and synthetic spectra, intensity minima in Type II supernova spectra are attributed to blueshifted absorption lines of hydrogen and Fe .DOI: 10.1093/mnras/158.4.375 被引量: 13 ...
Type-IISupernovaeandNeutrinoMagneticMoments H.Nunokawa1∗, ∗,R.Tom`as2†andJ.W.F.Valle2‡ 9 9 9 1 a J 1InstitutodeF´sicaGlebWataghinUniversidadeEstadualdeCampinas-UNICAMP 13083-970CampinasSPBrasil 2InstitutodeF´sicaCorpuscular-CSICDepartamentdeF´sicaTe`orica,UniversitatdeVal`encia4...
Type II supernovae (Inma Dominguez) 热度: a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 0 2 1 0 1 7 1 v 1 8 O c t 2 0 0 2 Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–7(2001)Printed2February2008(MNL a T E Xstylefilev1.4) Peculiar,LowLuminosityTypeIISupernovae: ...
The aim of this work is to present a semianalytical light curve model code that can be used for estimating physical properties of core collapse supernovae (SNe) in a quick and efficient way. To verify our code we fit light curves of Type II SNe and compa
Core-collapse Supernovae (CC-SNe) descend from progenitors more massive than about 8 Msun. Because of the young age of the progenitors, the ejecta may eventually interact with the circumstellar medium (CSM) via highly energetic processes detectable in the radio, X-ray, ultraviolet (UV) and,...