Related to Type IIa supernova:Type II supernova su·per·no·va (so͞o′pər-nō′və)·per·no·vae(-vē)orsu·per·no·vas A rare celestial phenomenon involving the explosion of a star and resulting in an extremely bright, short-lived object that emits vast amounts ...
Define type IB. type IB synonyms, type IB pronunciation, type IB translation, English dictionary definition of type IB. n. Any of various genetic diseases caused by deficiency of one of the enzymes involved in breaking down or synthesizing glycogen, resu
MosttypeIIsupernovaprogenitorsarethoughtto beredsupergiants.However,theprogenitor forSupernova1987Awasabluesupergiant. 大部分第二型超新星的前身被认为是红超巨星,然而,超新星1987A的前身却是蓝超巨星。 5. Breastfedbabiesare atlowerriskofgettinghighbloodpressure,highcholesterol, of becomingobese...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook glycogen storage disease (redirected fromtype VII) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical glycogen storage disease [′glī·kə·jən ′stȯr·ij di‚zēz] (medicine) von Gierke's disease McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright...
Wikipedia (programming) Analgorithmfor ascribing types to expressions in some language, based on the types of the constants of the language and a set of type inference rules such as f :: A -> B, x :: A --- (App) f x :: B This rule, called "App" for...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook hypersensitivity (redirected fromtype II hypersensitivity) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to type II hypersensitivity:Type I hypersensitivity,type III hypersensitivity hy·per·sen·si·tive (hī′pər-sĕn′sĭ-tĭv) ...
Define type IA. type IA synonyms, type IA pronunciation, type IA translation, English dictionary definition of type IA. n. Any of various genetic diseases caused by deficiency of one of the enzymes involved in breaking down or synthesizing glycogen, resu
(redirected fromType III) Also found in:Thesaurus,Medical,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. glycogen storage disease n. Any of various genetic diseases caused by deficiency of one of the enzymes involved in breaking down or synthesizing glycogen, resulting in storage of abnormal amounts or types of glycogen ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook hypersensitivity (redirected fromtype III hypersensitivity) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to type III hypersensitivity:immune complex disease hy·per·sen·si·tive (hī′pər-sĕn′sĭ-tĭv) adj. ...
Define Type I hypersensitivity. Type I hypersensitivity synonyms, Type I hypersensitivity pronunciation, Type I hypersensitivity translation, English dictionary definition of Type I hypersensitivity. adj. 1. Highly or excessively sensitive. 2. Responding