convective processes in the explosion mechanism of Type-II supernovae is investigated by one- and two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the long-time evolution of the collapsed stellar core after the bounce at nuclear matter density and after the associated formation of the supernova shock. ...
The explosion mechanisms of type Ia supernovae are still a matter of debate. These events occur when a white dwarf, belonging to a binary system, accretes enough mass from its companion star and reaches the Chandrasekhar mass limit. Many theoretical approaches have been proposed although, unfortu...
Based on the shape of light curves, astronomers generally divide type IIsupernovae(SNII) into two classes. Type II-Linear supernovae (SNe IIL) have a fairly rapid, linear decay after maximum light, while type II-Plateau supernovae (SNe IIP) remain bright (on a plateau) for an extended ...
Nebulae usually consist of Hydrogen and Helium, as these are the most common and stable compounds in theUniverse. The formation of a nebula can occur when a star undergoes a significant change, such as excess fusion in its core. In the case of a planetary nebula, the formation of this dee...
Thus a person may be hereditarily predisposed to tuberculosis, although the tubercule bacillus (the infectious agent) must be present for the disease to occur. In ancient times disease was ascribed to supernatural, spiritual, and humoral factors. The discovery by Louis Pasteur and others of the ...
This process of splitting a diverse group into related subsamples to yield insights into their origin would be repeated again and again over the years, first by Minkowski when he separated supernovae of Type I (no hydrogen in their spectra) from Type II (have hydrogen)2, and then by ...
The initial state that leads to a type-II (or type-Ib or type-Ic) supernova is essentially an iron white dwarf (the endpoint of nuclear fusion reactions) in the center of a massive star; when it reaches the Chandrasekhar mass, this core will collapse, along with the rest of the star...
We calculate the nucleosynthesis of proton-rich isotopes in the carbon-deflagration model for Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The seed abundances are obtained by calculating the s-process nucleosynthesis that is expected to occur in the repeating helium shell flashes on the carbon-oxygen (CO) white...
This process of splitting a diverse group into related subsamples to yield insights into their origin would be repeated again and again over the years, first by Minkowski when he separated supernovae of Type I (no hydrogen in their spectra) from Type II (have hydrogen)2, and then by ...
predictedtoexplodewhenthemassofthewhite dwarfnearstheChandrasekharmass 4 —1.4solarmasses.Hereweshowthatthehighred- shiftsupernovaSNLS-03D3bbhasanexceptionallyhighluminosityandlowkineticenergy thatbothimplyasuper-Chandrasekharmassprogenitor.Super-ChandrasekharmassSNe Iashouldpreferentiallyoccurinayoungstellarpopulation,...