William a saisi le sens de son professeur. William n’a jamais saisi le sens de son professeur. est-ce que William a saisi le sens de son professeur? 7. 根据是否有强调部分,可以分为强调句phrase emphatique和非强调句phrase non-emphatique,强调句又可以根据强调部分是主语,宾语,或是表语(形容词)...
1. type(genre): type type,kind lesemploisdecetypesontrares jobsofthiskindarerare labanqueproposeunnouveautypedeplacementfinancier thebankisofferinganewtypeoffinancialinvestment ilcondamnecetypedecomportement hecondemnsthistypeofbehaviour plusieursaccidentsdecetypeonteulieu ...
Keywords Type shifting · Noun phrase · Quantification · Predication Different usages of noun phrases appear to involve different semantic objects. In (1a) below the NP seems to refer to a concrete entity, in (1b) the NP looks like a unary predicate applying to an entity, while in (1c...
Bhagat and Hovy (2013) and Sun and Yang (2015) show that substitution of synonymous words and phrases is a frequently occuring paraphrase type. This can be corroborated from the percentages of synonymous substitutions which are 45% (Barrón-Cedeño et al.2013), 37% (Bhagat2009...
Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese. (1) type up: (2) take notes of: (3) decision:
13.subservience 14.browbeating 15.placating 16.obeisance 17.appeasing 18.groveling 19.acquiescence 20.coddling 21.Cowing 22.lickspittle 23.snubbing 24.deference 25.subservient 26.obsequiousness 27.mollifying 28.ignoring 29.footdragging 30.decrying ...
Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and Their Compositionality. Proc. Adv. Neural Inf. Process. Syst. 2013, 2, 3111–3119. [CrossRef] 28. Mikolov, T.; Corrado, G.; Chen, K.; Dean, J. Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space. In Proceedings of the ...
AMAZON.DURATION AMAZON.FOUR_DIGIT_NUMBER AMAZON.NUMBER AMAZON.Ordinal AMAZON.PhoneNumber AMAZON.TIME Phrases AMAZON.SearchQuery List Types List Slot Types Extend a Built-in Slot Type with Custom Values Extend a Slot Type Slot Types You Can Extend Built-in Intent Library DocumentationEnglish...
abstract nouns or multi-word phrases. For example, “overview of Johnson’s eccentric career” in sentence “An engaging overview of Johnson ’s eccentric career.”. Target number classification is much easier. It achieves 65.83% accuracy, when we classify the test sentences into 3 groups by th...