The Normal type currently has the most unused type combinations, having four different types it hasn't been paired with. As of Generation IX, it has yet to be paired with the Bug, Ice, Rock and Steel types. The most common combination of types in the Pokémon world is the Normal/Flying...
The Grass-type has been paired with every other type. As of Generation IX, all Grass combinations have no longer being unique type with the exception of Ice type combination, as only Snover line who had the combination of Grass and Ice type to date.Notes...
When not counting the alternate forms of Arceus and Sylvally, there can be huge dips in power between the top monotype Pokémon. It doesn't always mean Nintendo gives those types less love overall since there are some types that are more naturally used for dual-type Pokémon. Normal - Arceu...
Not only is Infernape one of the most popular Fire-Type species, but it's also one of themost commonly usedPokémoninDiamondandPearl. Infernape's sheer strength is assuredly a big reason for that, but also because of the scarcity of Fire-Type Pokémon in the pair of Sinnoh games. The Fi...
Ice and Ground STAB is one of the best offensive combinations there is, meaning that precious little is safe from Mamoswine’s furry, tusk-y wrath. This moveset makes the very best of its excellent Attack stat, with formidable STAB moves such as Earthquake, priority in Ice Shard (patching...
Alfira and Nere have a lute and a lyre, respectively, that they're willing to give up under certain conditions. If the partykills True Soul Nere inBaldur's Gate 3, or convinces him to help them get through the Shadow-Cursed Lands, they can borrow his lyre. It can be used not only ...