Pluggable type-checking for Java. Contribute to typetools/checker-framework development by creating an account on GitHub.
Updated Feb 11, 2025 Java mesqueeb / is-what Sponsor Star 193 Code Issues Pull requests JS type check (TypeScript supported) functions like `isPlainObject() isArray()` etc. A simple & small integration. javascript typechecker typescript class-instance type-checking primitive-types plain-ob...
at net.sf.jmimemagic.Magic.getMagicMatch( at task.ProbeContentTypeCheking.check( at task.FolderScan.findFiles( at task.FolderScan.findFiles( at task.FolderScan.findFiles( at
Type checking enforces referencing constraints between objects in different universes. The Universe type system provides support for preventing representation exposure. It is easy to apply and guarantees an invariant that is strong enough for modular verification. The Extended Static Checker for Java (...
aThe Java SE 8 release does not provide a type checking framework, but it allows you to write (or download) a type checking framework that is implemented as one or more pluggable modules that are used in conjunction with the Java compiler. Java SE 8发行不提供一个类型检查的框架,但是它允许...
We explore the combination of bounded model checking and induction for proving safety properties of infinite-state systems. In particular, we define a general k-induction scheme and prove completeness LMD Moura,H Rueß,M Sorea - Computer Aided Verification, International Conference, Cav, Boulder,...
You can use multiple type-checking modules where each module checks for a different kind of error. In this way, you can build on top of the Java type system, adding specific checks when and where you want them. With the judicious use of type annotations and the presence of pluggable type...
Notice that you must still test for Null Objects in some places, which is not that different from checking for null, but in other places (such as toString( ) conversions, in this case), you don’t have to perform extra tests; you can just assume that all object references are valid ...
JavaCast<TResult>(IJavaObject) Performs an Android runtime-checked type conversion. JavaCast<TResult>(IJavaObject) GetJniTypeName(IJavaPeerable) Gets the JNI name of the type of the instance self. JavaAs<TResult>(IJavaPeerable) Try to coerce self to typ...
SQLJ performs implicit conversions between SQL and Java types. Although this is generally useful and helpful, it can produce unexpected results. Do not rely on translation-time type-checking alone to ensure the correctness of your code. This section covers the following topics: ...