The results from our Type A Personality test are intended to reveal whether your tendency is closer to the rushed, continuously stressed-out Type A, or the more laidback Type B Personality. This information will provide important knowledge about your potential for heart disease and other negative ...
性格没有好坏。 右绿代表符合,左红代表不符合,圆圈大小表示认可或不认可程度。灰色代表中立。 1 / 36 无论是在工作还是生活上,我都感觉自己充满了活力,去做任何事都很有激情
Type A Personality Test Type A Personality Test 73 questions, 20 min Self-assessment and situational assessment What it measures:Whether you have the characteristic traits of a Type A or Type B person, and how these inclinations may be affecting your life. A Type A person is someone who tend...
*While sometimes referred to as the MBTI Personality Test, Myers-Briggs Personality Test, the Briggs Myers personality test, Myers Briggs Test or the MBTI test, the MBTI ® is not a personality test but a personality assessment or instrument in which there are no right or wrong answers.” ...
The MBTI is not a Personality Test; it is an assessment instrument. Information on its use can be obtained at the website of the Myers & Briggs Foundation. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Myers Briggs, MBTI, the MBTI logo, Step I, Step II and Step III are trademarks or registered ...
3. Act as though they're old friends and make a show of affection Personality Tests Freudian Personality Type Test Are You An Extravert? Test How Agreeable Are You? Are You Neurotic? Test Conscientiousness Test Your partner has forgotten your birthday, do you? 1. Say nothing but secretly fee...
Type A Personality Test A type A personality test is usually a self-reported questionnaire that explores your behavior patterns to find out whether you meet the criteria for a type A person. It may ask questions about: Drive and achievement.Do you place a lot of weight on your accomplishments...
Free personality test - take it to find out why our readers say that this personality test is so accurate, “it's a little bit creepy.” No registration required!
免费性格测试 NERIS Type Explorer® 做你自己,诚实回答,找出你的性格类型。 了解你的性格类型如何在你生活的各个领域中产生影响。 借助我们的精选材料,塑造你想要的自我。 978K
Related to Type A personality: personality test, Type C Personality, Type B personalityper·son·al·i·ty (pûr′sə-năl′ĭ-tē) n. pl. per·son·al·i·ties 1. a. The totality of qualities and traits, as of character or behavior, that are peculiar to a specific person...