Is peripheral immunity regulated by blood-brain barrier permeability changes? PLoS ONE. 2014;9:e101477. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Xanthos DN, Sandkuhler J. Neurogenic neuroinflammation: inflammatory CNS reactions in response to neuronal activity. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2014;15:43–...
et al. Dimerization of the interferon type I receptor IFNaR2–2 is sufficient for induction of interferon effector genes but not for full antiviral activity. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 34838–34845 (1999). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Banani, S. F., Lee, H. O., Hyman, A. A. & ...
Next, to identify pathways that might be differentially regulated by type 1 and type 2 EBNA2, we used the GREAT software package [37] to perform gene set enrichment on genes located near EBNA2 binding sites for the gene ontology (GO) biological process category. To determine which GO terms ...
Maternal HF diet down-regulated the transcriptional factor STAT3 in the hypothalamus of male and female offspring, but induced hypoleptinemia only in males and decreased phosphorylated STAT3 only in female offspring. Because leptin acts through STAT3 pathway to inhibit central ECS, our results suggest...
role in thehematopoietic systemin BM is not limited to platelet formation by releasing them from theircell body; they also contribute to the composition of the ECM microenvironment in vascular niches. This assumption is underpinned by the finding that collagen type IV expression is upregulated during...
The 9ORF1 oncogenic determinant codes for a 14-kDa transforming protein, and three separate regions of this polypeptide, including one at the extreme C terminus, are necessary for transforming activity. In this study, we investigated whether the 9ORF1 transforming protein interacts with cellular ...
{ "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.serviceProvisioningXmlError" } ], "showInAddressList": true, "signInActivity": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.signInActivity"}, "signInSessionsValidFromDateTime": "String (timestamp)", "skills": ["String"], "state": "String", "streetAddress": "...
For comparative purposes, we divided these systems into three different groups in accordance with the regulatory activity of the TF on its TG and the position of the TFBSs with respect to the promoter sequences of the regulated genes. Group one: GcvA and MetR The group one is composed of ...
remained at higher expression levels during nodulation.GmNSP1bwas initially downregulated after rhizobial inoculation; it was then upregulated during rhizobial early infection and peaks when nodule formed, and then gradually decreasing during nodule development (Supplementary Fig.1a, b). Gene knockout ...
Our findings indicated that WT type I/II oligodendrocytes myelinate small caliber axons in the CST, FG, and the inside part of VF and their development is regulated by Ten-4. To our knowledge, this is the first report that identified a regulator of specific types (type I/II) of ...