The survivorship curve is a useful visualisation of the frequency distribution of the age classes of a population (Rauschert2010) and is calculated aslx = nx/n0, wherenxis the number of individuals in the study population who survive to the beginning of age categoryxandn0is the number of...
Fig. 1 Survivorship curve of the Ferrocalamus strictus popu- lation. 但是从3年生进入到4–5年生的机会比较少.出现此 种现象可能与铁竹的死亡原因有关. 3.2.3 铁竹种群生殖力 生殖力表(表4)分析结果显示, 铁竹种群的净增 殖率(R0)为1.10, R0 > 1, 表明铁竹种群为增长型(按 发笋率计算).内禀...