Verdijk LB, Snijders T, Beelen M, Savelberg HH, Meijer K, Kuipers H, Van Loon LJ. Characteristics of muscle fiber type are predictive of skeletal muscle mass and strength in elderly men. J Am Geriatr Soc 2010;58:2069-75.Verdijk LB, Snijders T, Beelen M, Savelberg HH, Meijer K, ...
Properties of muscle fibers, i.e., their type, number and size, are important determinants of functional characteristics of skeletal muscle, and of the quality of meat in livestock. Genetic factors play an important role in determining variation in fiber properties, however, specific genes remain ...
Two members of a family have slowly progressing proximal starting from ages 2 and 6 years. Muscle biopsy specimens from these patients, as well as two other asymptomatic members of the same family, demonstrate predominance of type I fibers (without fiber-type grouping) and minimally enlarged type...
These types I, IIa and IIx fibers are also classified as a combination of contractile speed and metabolism and therefore known as slow twitch oxidative, fast twitch oxidative and fast twitch glycolytic, respectively. Although a few studies have described the skeletal muscle characteristics of domestic...
In girls of all ages, the constitutional characteristics were in good correlation with skeletal muscle power. In general, dolichomorphs were characterized by high aerobic indices: their mean aerobic capacity was as high as 83.1 kJ/kg vs. 4.1 kJ/kg in brachymorphs, who showed preferential ...
For pennation angle measurement, the probe rotated, and the longitudinal view was captured, the distance between muscle fibers and the deep fascia of the muscle was measured. For RFCSA measurement, the area of the cross-section of a muscle perpendicular to its longitudinal axis was measured. ...
There also were no changes in body fat percentage, muscle strength, and muscle fiber type characteristics. Blood glycosylated hemoglobin did not change or differ between groups and was 7.1 ± 0.1 % in the leucine group and 7.2 ± 0.2% in the placebo group. Consistent with this, oral glucose...
Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of muscle types and washing times on qualities of surimi, and to investigate the possibility of surimi made from pork and chicken for improvement of unpopular meat consumption....
(T2D)1. Evidence suggests that follistatin has multiple auto- and paracrine functions in various tissues. Follistatin binds and neutralizes TGF-β family members3. Follistatin is essential for the formation and growth of muscle fibers4,5and is involved in the development of muscle fiber hypertrophy...
Bradykinin type 2 receptor (B2BRK) genotype was reported to be associated with changes in the left-ventricular mass as a response to aerobic training, as well as in the regulation of the skeletal muscle performance in both athletes and non-athletes. However, there are no reports on the effect...