Type-2 fuzzy logic: theory and applications. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2008, pp.29-43.O. Castillo and P. Melin (2008), Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Theory and Applications, Springer- Verlag, Berlin.O. Castillo and P. Melin, Type-2 fuzzy logic: Theory and applications. Springer-Verlag, 2008....
杂。在前面几节所讲述的内容当中,我们主要考虑了一个自治系统(AS)内部,即 拥有同一选路策略、在同一技术管理部门下运行的一组路由器间的路由交换问题。 但从外部世界来看,每个AS仅仅是一些孤立的单一实体,而在实际中,往往我们 更关心的是整个网络的路由交换(学习)问题。所以,这里就有必要介绍其中的一 种技术——...
IP包是由IP头和高层传输数据“协议”组成,如图1.4.1所示。它使IP层具 有一项很重要的功能,就是“子网无关性”,正是这项功能使得IP可以运行在几乎 所有类型的子网之上。 图1.4.1IP包格式IP向传输层屏蔽它所支持的众多子网和所有不同底层的特征。就像多个网 络层协议可以共 享同一个子网层一样,也可有多个...
Introduction To Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control: Theory and Applications Written by world-class leaders in type-2 fuzzy logic control, this book offers a self-contained reference for both researchers and students. The coverage provides both background and an extensive literature survey on fuzzy logic an...
In this work, Robust secondary load frequency controller (LFC) based on one of artificial intelligent technique which called interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller (IT2FLC) has been proposed for two-area multi-source interconnected power system with central solar park power plants in each area ...
The theory and applications of a type-1 FLS with nonsingleton fuzzifier are presented in [27], where the input is fuzzified into a type-1 fuzzy set (e.g., Gaussian) whose parameters are based on the measured input and the mean and variance of the measurement noise. This assumes that ...
Y Pan, D Huang, Z Sun - Control Theory and Applications, 2011 - works.bepress.com The type-2 fuzzy logic controller(T2-FLC) based on the T2-FS can deal with both the 3II型非自适应模糊控制器(Type-2 non- adaptive fuzzy controllers) 3.3 融合其他控制结构的II型模糊控制器(T2- FLCs ...
The main focus of this paper is on the theoretical topics, with descriptions of what they are, what has been accomplished, and what remains to be done. 关键词: Bibliography, Theoretical or Mathematical/ fuzzy logic fuzzy set theory fuzzy systems/ type 2 fuzzy sets type 2 fuzzy systems fuzzy...
图4.7.2IPSec协议关系图 包格式和处理规则;加密算法描述各种加密算法如何用于ESP中;验证算法描述 各种身份验证算 法如何应用于AH和ESP中;IKE定义了密钥自动交换协议;DOI定义了密钥协商协议彼此相关部分的标识符及参数;策略则决定两个实体之 间能否通信以及如何进行通信。AH由RFC-2402定义,是一个网络层协议,类型号为...
概述-type-2 fuzzy logic theory and applicationslo**er 上传4.04MB 文件格式 pdf 路由器 图1.2.1 路由器的基本功能 在IP网络上流动的元素就是本节第一段提到的IP包。就IP包所携带的数 据而言,可以是传统的计算机数据,也可以是在IP上使用的数字化音频和视频流。 处理之后的话音和视频流其实也是数据,但是,...